Public opinion war, stocks that have fallen to the bottom

"It's all rumors! The legal team of T company has filed a public prosecution with Global Finance."

"Finance editor Susannah smeared T Company and is suspected of being investigated by the FBI."


The power of money appeared again, and the media, who had received a lot of public relations fees, spared no effort to advocate the legitimacy of the T company's transactions, pointing the finger at the weak Suzanne and the Global Financial News behind her.

The editorial department of the Global Financial News was also cloudy.

The editors who felt the pressure from the outside world were a little dejected.

They were powerless to fight back.

The editor-in-chief with a pipe in his mouth slammed his fist on the table heavily, attracting everyone's attention.

"It's all Susannah's fault. If she didn't investigate and start the war, it wouldn't have put the Caijing newspaper in trouble."

The other editors immediately echoed: "Yes, it's all because of her arrogance."

"She should be responsible for this matter to the end."

"It's a curse to keep this woman ."

While they denounced Suzanne, they did not forget to fan the flames, planning to kick Suzanne out and take the blame.

Seeing this, the editor-in-chief showed a proud smile and said in his heart:

"Suzanne, don't blame me, from the moment you bypassed me and talked to the boss, you should have been kicked out."

He calculated, pushing Susanna out to accept the wrath of T company, and then losing a sum of money should be settled, and the boss will still value him as always.

As for the loss of money, it was the company's money anyway, so he didn't feel bad about it at all.

As long as this matter is settled, maybe he can go further, and maybe become the director of Caijing News.

Just when he was lustful, an exclamation from an editor interrupted his thoughts:

"Oh my God, a video has been updated on the homepage of our official website!"

Who updated their homepage with permissions?

Seeing the title of the video, the editor-in-chief was also taken aback.

"The President of T Company and the Third Party's False Transaction Real Shot! "

how so!

The editor-in-chief couldn't believe his eyes, the publisher of the video was editor Suzanne!

It was not until the fat-headed president of T Company appeared in the video that the editor-in-chief suddenly realized that this was the case.

Susannah had already mastered the evidence that could give a fatal blow.

This video.

Jedi counterattack in public opinion!

The boss must know all this, so he made a big bet on Susannah and asked Suzanne to let go of it.

It's over, he is the complete clown.

Jason's method had just begun.

After his gesture, countless comments against T company suddenly appeared on the Internet.

Even if all the forum members of the website that received the money deleted their posts.

It seems that for a while, public opinion has turned to the unfavorable side of T company.

Not long ago, the president of T company was proud of the high stock price and opening a bottle of champagne to celebrate with the secretary.

The next moment, I suddenly saw the company's stock price plummet, and the line of decline seemed to have no end...

Investors frantically threw out the shares of Company T in their hands, for fear that they would be a step too slow and would be trapped.

The candid video fully shows how the president of T company forged transactions with the shell company.

This is tantamount to public execution.

No matter how T Company explains in ways, no one wants to believe them anymore.

Company T's reputation hit rock bottom.

Before, the media was madly advocating for T company, but now there is no sound.

How high you held up before, how much you fall now.

The development of the incident directly caused the stock price of T company to drop to the bottom, below the issue price, and then to the point of worthless.

Looking at the market value that had fallen to more than 1 billion US dollars, the CEO slumped on the boss's chair, and his eyes were full of despair.

Their headquarters building has a market value of 1.2 billion US dollars, and the market value has dropped to 1 billion US dollars. What a ridiculous thing happened like that.

On the other hand, Lucy, the trader who had previously proposed to resign, asked Jason excitedly:

"Boss, are we ready to harvest?"

Now, if you buy back all the leased shares, you only need $8,000, which means that they have helped the employer to make at least $900 million in net profit from this transaction!

Jason nodded. The opposite company will not do anything. If it falls again, the shares in the market will likely be redeemed and the shares will be delisted and privatized. At that time, if you want to buy back the leased shares, you may lose more than the gains.

Presumably, Adams should also be satisfied.

Those guys who ridiculed Rust Lake Capital for being overly self-reliant have only recovered from the changes, and they noticed that this small team had single-handedly planned the action of shorting the stock price of T company.