The Lively Stock Market

Two months later, conference room on the top floor of Rust Lake Capital.

Men and women were puffing on cigarettes or cigars, and Adams even had a '84 Lafite in front of him.

Alcohol and nicotine numb tired nerves.

Lucy and her assistant are doing the research report carefully.

The top trader from Wall Street, before because of a mistake led to bankruptcy, and then Jason will be discerning to invite her.

Adams admired her strong character.

For her achievements, no matter how picky people can pick out what problems, in just two months, the original more than 3 billion has ballooned into 4 billion shares.

The returns stunned Adams.

"It's all about the market coming back," Lucy said humbly, looking a little shy at the compliment.

Everyone laughed and Jason said, "The prize money is ready for your department."

"You've made a name for yourself in the financial world," Adams joked. "You've had a lot of offers lately."

Lucy smiles. Indeed, she has been contacted recently by headhunters and from big companies that previously spurned her because of her impressive returns.

But she still likes the work atmosphere at Rust Lake capital, where there is not much intrigue and everyone has a common goal.

Not to mention, there's a bigger plan waiting for her at Rust Lake, one that will make her and her gang the new rich of the financial world.

Every more than ten years there are opportunities to change the fate of life, Lucy out of the slums of the child, know the opportunity to the hard-won, doubly cherish everything at present.

After honoring Lucy again, Jason takes a sip of Lafite and opens the confidential files in his notebook.

"Guys, our new private equity fund has grown to $6 billion!" he said, gesturing toward the projected white curtain.

There was an immediate gasp from below as everyone stared in disbelief at the numbers on the screen.

Adams did not expect that the newly established private equity foundation grew so fast, because Lucy and their outstanding performance in the stock market, many rich people also entrusted money to the newly established Dawn Foundation, just two months will raise up to one billion funds.

For a newly established fund, such a short period of time to achieve such results is indeed remarkable.

"We're not the only ones making waves in the market these days," Jason reminded the crowd.

The slide shows a couple of funds that have been active in the stock market recently, and a couple of funds that are also heavy on energy stocks, oil futures.

The most eye-catching is almost with dawn at the same time established medium-sized fund "diablo", and even in the speed of absorbing funds to far exceed "Dawn".

Whether it is the name of the other party, or consistent style and rust lake tit for tat meaning, caused the vigilance of Jason.

After some investigation, he confirmed his idea, the other company has been controlled by the capital giant Eagle, with their capital injection and talent output, can stabilize the dawn in the recent stock market.

Eagle Capital has been invited for many times, but Jason has rejected it. He is probably angry from embarrassment, and he supports the Dark Foundation with a beating in it.

Even if there is a huge monster standing behind the dark, Jason does not have any pressure, everyone is equal in the capital market, crisis and opportunity coexist, use good dark foundation can also become a sharp edge for him.

However, everyone felt the pressing sense of pressure step by step, a change before the lax, seems to be full of vitality.

That's what Jason wanted to achieve.

He clapped his hands to signal silence from the discussion and said emphatically:

"Guys, after my research with Lucy, we have decided to withdraw from the stock market in an orderly manner after the market opens tomorrow!"

The public are one leng, they more or less know the next short plan, did not expect the opportunity to come so soon?

Adams, too, took a strong, excited puff from his cigar.

In fact, he also noticed that the recent market heat is a bit amazing, even the old man in charge of cleaning the company's toilets is watching the market rise at work.

A legendary tycoon once said that when everyone is talking about the stock market and trying to make money from it, it proves that a stock market crash is coming.

Now is the best time to escape, until the stock market has a crash call, and then want to escape will be disastrous, perhaps will be trapped in the stock market!

He appreciates that Jason and Lucy are calm enough not to be fooled by the illusion of the stock market, nor to indulge in the momentary joy of the market's rise.

So he was very relaxed about giving the money to Rust Lake Capital.

What worries Mr Adams is the mood of Dawn's customers.

Although the new funds are not required to disclose the details of their deals to the general public, the daily returns are clear, and halting returns are sure to raise some eyebrows.