The Girl who fell overboard

In the midst of the calm, an important event happened at the university.

A freshman accidentally drowned in a pond on campus. It was a small thing, but it caught Margaret's attention.

Since the freshman was also her best friend, Margaret knew Julia too well to stay out of her dorm room late at night.

'Julia was very claustrophobic and she would always go back to her dorm before it was dark and she would go out with some of her sisters.'

Adams nodded casually at Margaret's analysis, but it did not matter to him.

He could do nothing but sympathize deeply and donate a sum of money to the child's parents.

Because Gerda had his eye on him, it was clear to him that strangers had been following him lately.

Fortunately, the places he went were full of surveillance and more people. There was no chance for the other side to attack.

But this kind of rascal makes Adams a little helpless. He can only hire several retired special forces as their bodyguards, to protect their safety.

He had no intention of risking his life with Gorda, so he had to find a way to make Gorda back off.

Seeing Adams's indifference, Margaret had to take out the autopsy report, which she had already collected.

Adams had no idea that Julia's autopsy report could be produced by her, and he said mysteriously,

"Is there something wrong?

It was only after a glance that Adams saw the key points. Unlike the police version, Julia had been assaulted, had scars from violence, and had been abused and beaten.

None of these details have been released by the police.

The key cause of death is also questionable; not asphyxiation by falling into the water, but asphyxiation by strangulation!

Two versions of the death report, which left Adams a little out of it, and Julia died from outside forces, who had the power to manipulate the death report, pay off the m.E., the school, and even the police didn't open a case.

He was the only one in the school who had the power to cover it up.

"Margaret, you should study hard and think, you should be subject to the results of the police."

Margaret was a little annoyed at Adams's indecision. "This is the key to Gerda," she grumbled. "If you threaten him with it, he won't listen to you."

It was Adams's turn to be angry. "Don't you think it's a mean thing to do?" he said. "If this girl was killed, we should be seeking justice for her, not threatening her death with a rich, low-life son."

Marguerite smiled. This was the kind of man she admired, a man with a sense of justice.

"So what do we do now?" 'asked Marguerite, smiling.

"We should not throw out our cards until absolute proof is found. We should hire a detective and let professional people do professional things."

"What do you think this is?"

Margaret handed over the video.

It's probably from one of the cameras on campus, and there are two sneaky guys in black, throwing Julia in a body bag into the pond!

Looking at this video, Adams suddenly realized that Margaret had also got a school video.

"Unfortunately, the original was deleted by Gerda's people, and it was restored with great difficulty by hackers I hired. Don't lose it."

'Marguerite, are you secretly working on this? How much evidence have you got?'

Marguerite shook her head, her face covered with grief, and with a faint lump in her throat she said:

"Julia is a good girl and I want to find out who did this for her, but they hired a professional to end it. This is all the evidence I have. We all suspected the man, but there was no evidence against him."

Adams also felt a little disappointed. Perhaps that was Margaret's sadness. They had no real evidence against Gorda.

This brute, he's done another thing to a teenage girl.

As they drove out of the gate, they almost ran into an old man in camouflage who was holding a board on which was written in red lettering: "Julia was killed!"

The poor old man must be the child's father.

The bodyguard in the other car, a former soldier nicknamed the Tiger and lion, said over the radio:

"Boss, he is pitiful. I want to go down and chat with him ."

Before he finished, a group of street thugs rushed out and kicked and punched the old man.

"Get him out and take him to my hotel."

Adams was still sympathetic and did not want the old man's death to be unexplained.

The gang watched the target being taken away by a burly man in a suit, but they did not dare to chase him, shouting at him in the back of the car.