Great business plan

And George, a professional manager under Ernst, approached Adams and came up with a whole development plan.

When George was first assigned by Ernst to interface with Adams, he was a bit down on the farmer, thinking he was just an egomaniac.

But upon his arrival in the Borough, he immediately found that the local legend of Adams was everywhere.

The biggest farmer was just one of his smallest titles and a young tycoon who had cashed in tens of billions!

This touched him a lot.

He immediately put away his contemptuous opinion that this young tycoon was the best of the young, both in terms of luck and investment vision.

So he put himself on a very low pedestal and went to see Adams.

He found out that Adams had been staying in the hotel's presidential suite and immediately pitched in, offering to entertain him.

"I wonder if you, sir, have ever considered building a luxury estate for yourself".

That was Adams' intention.

Living in a hotel, although someone was responsible for cleaning, was not very private and there were many inconveniences.

The most critical thing is that there are many facilities provided by the hotel, and there is still a little gap between the space and the real mansion.

Seeing that Adams was interested, George spoke at length.

He had built super-luxurious estates for the rich, full of experience.

In his design, the manor covers an area of about 20 acres, and the facilities inside include an artificial lake, a teahouse, a bathhouse, a gymnasium, a library, a luxurious swimming pool, three helicopter fields, a private theater, and almost every entertainment facility one can think of inside.

Such a plan scared Adams, in his impression, this mansion is only a thousand square feet, and even though the heliport is prepared 3, it is not too extravagant.

But such a design is quite attractive, this is a private kingdom in the sense.

Asked about the budget, George said, "Because the land used is our own, the workers are also our own construction company, including design fees and material costs, and the acquisition of various facilities, it is estimated that 100 million can not be used."

"I thought this cost was a sky-high price, but I never thought it would be so cheap."

Adams immediately clapped his hands and told the workers to start construction immediately.

According to George's plan, they have developed several similar luxury estates, each sold for hundreds of millions, or even a billion.

Thousands of acres of land will also be used to create a high-end community, the community includes a large amusement park and a farm resort.

Finally, some of the lands will be built into a world-leading commercial center, with several commercial complexes.

The first phase of development may take one to two years.

In two years, perhaps this place will be revitalized and become a rare prosperous place in the world.

Adams knew the future value of these plans and he was in no hurry, not to mention that he only had to come up with a small portion of the development costs, with Engels paying the bulk of the costs.

What worried him was another investment.

The development of the agricultural land is estimated to be the first phase of the project, he probably has to put in $5 billion, and the rest of the capital investment is the big problem that bothers him.

He couldn't just put the money in the bank and eat the interest.

The interest given to him by Tianbao does not necessarily run even with inflation.

So he thought of Obiye, Obiye did not move, this guy should have heard back only.

Obiye is having a hard time.

"Obiye, we are very sorry to tell you that you are on our list of layoffs."

Listening to the words of the personnel supervisor coming from his ears, Obiye's hand holding the notice trembled slightly.

He knew what was waiting for him without the personnel director's explanation, but he was still a little thankful and prayed for a miracle to happen.

This layoff notice was tantamount to killing his career.

His recent performance had been so poor that no investment bank would dare to hire him again, and no financial institution would take him on.

After a struggle, Obiye finally took that brave step and dialed the number on his business card.

It was his last straw, and he silently prayed that Adams had not changed his mind.

"Sir, it's me, can we find a place to talk?"

"Yes, I've been fired from my job and I'm in turmoil."

"Okay, I'm on my way to your hotel."


Little did Obier know that this phone call would change his fate forever.

In an interview a few years later, he revisited the old incident and still seemed glad he made the call at the time.