Efficient Operation, Oil Futures Market

Another month passed by.

With the injection of capital, Lucky Star Capital was rapidly building up.

The salesman was making calls with passion.

And Obiye was recently upset by the oil futures market.

He still put nearly $700 million into the crude oil futures market, but maybe he picked the wrong time.

But also he did not lose money, for which currently only earned tens of millions of dollars, with the previous expectations do not match.

The key is that the oil price is like a roller coaster, it is likely to make money now, and the next moment before the point will be lost.

Now he is reporting to his boss Adams on the latest progress of several investments.

"We now have a total of $730 million of crude oil in our hands, nearly 29 million barrels of crude oil!"

"All this crude oil is enough for some countries to use for a year, that's a lot of money." Adams followed and exclaimed that Obiye had let go of the restrictions after losing them.

"Yeah, but the benefits are a bit low and the risks are still high, I'm worried ..."

"There is nothing to worry about, we have enough money to withstand the risk, even if it drops a bit temporarily, it will go up in the future."

With Adams' encouragement, Obiye also relaxed a lot.

He continued to report on the bottoming out of the stock market.

"We've been watching several booming Internet companies lately, and their stocks have been hit hard in this bubble, some have even fallen through the issue price, so we've put $1 billion into companies like Shakeology Short Video, and Podcast ..."

"The prediction is that when the stock market picks up, it will give us 2~3 times the revenue."

This is still a conservative estimate, Adams feels that with the use of 5G broadband, these sites with social properties will usher in a booming period that will bring in immeasurable gains.

"Also, we're plowing through Wanders Power Group's stock, and they seem to have caught on to the fact that we're buying in bulk and have issued a stock buyback program to counteract us."

"A stock buyback? I didn't expect the other side to find out about our little move so quickly." Adams didn't have any psychological burden, he had previously asked Robert to buy a few small foundations that were on the verge of bankruptcy in this shock.

Then manipulate these foundations, and began to buy Wanders Power Group's stock, as of today, probably spent 2 billion dollars to buy the other side 5% of the stock!

But the other side also noticed the stock price anomaly, which has the response plan of buying back shares.

Trying to continue to take advantage of them in the stock market is a very difficult thing to do.

A 5% share of the stock was enough for Adams.

According to the federal constitution, 3% of the shares can be proposed to the shareholders' meeting to join the board of directors as directors.

Adams plunged into Wanders Power Group partly to make money, but also to get a few more director titles on his business card.

Several Internet companies are already in the process of proposing to run for directorship, and Wanders Power Group will naturally not be left behind, so I'm sure these shareholders will weigh in on whether they want to go against him, the new guy.

When he thought of the future of his business card out of the back of a few more director titles, Adams could not help but be complacent.

I think when Jason sees Adams again, he will also show an odd smile, this one seems to have left him more nourished ah.

See Obiye a diligent look, then Jason that can be much smoother, with Obiye in Adams can be a hands-off, do some things that interest them.

For example, inspect the mansion being built on the fly.

A few days later, Wanders Power was having an emergency board meeting, and Andorra, who was having a good time in prison, attended the meeting via video.

After hearing that Adams had secretly bought 5% of the shares, Andorra's whole person was bad, this guy was stealing towers while he was in jail, was he waiting for him to finish doing jail time even the crystal was pushed!

"He wants to join the board, I Andorra the first not to agree!"

Listening to the roar on the video call, many directors couldn't help but frown darkly, this guy treats Wanders as his one-liner.

Someone kindly reminded us, "Andorra you are no longer our chairman, you don't have a veto, we all have our own opinions."

Andorra glared at this person, but the thought of being in prison and not being able to do anything about these disobedient guys just deflated him.

"Well, Adams' nomination to the board is the opinion of the minority shareholders, who all think that Adams, the originator, will raise our share price when he is on the board."

Through this incident, the minority shareholders and some of the employees of Wanders were dissatisfied with these major shareholders who held the board of directors high, and Adams' entry into the board was in line with their interests.

Even some of the directors sitting here feel that Adams becoming a director will promote the stock recovery and will not infringe on their interests, where to find such a good thing.

"In that case, according to the procedure, let's start voting!"

Andor roared undauntedly, "You are seeking skin with a tiger, don't blame me for not reminding you when you suffer a big loss."

"Andorra put away your petty thoughts, it's already an extraordinarily generous offer from us for you to rejoin the board, and for the sake of everyone's interests, Adams entering the board is the best choice now."

This statement penetrated everyone's small mind, now the value of the stock plummeted, and the most anxious are they, serious shrinkage of their fortune, hoping that the stock price can be higher, cash out.

So Andorra's words now play no role, the directors have raised their hands, and Adams almost unanimously voted in favor of the board of directors of Wanders Power Group.

When the news got out, Wanders' stock shot up in response!