up to ten billion betting agreement

Some things could be endured, but being slandered was something Adams couldn't stand.

He said bluntly, "You call me a liar, so what are you, a pathetic wretch who relies on the power of your family and only explodes with jealousy and yells that others are liars?"

The words "dependent on the family" stung Edward Jr. This is a hurdle that the son of a rich family cannot get around, and no one will believe it even if he explains more.

Little Edward immediately like a cat whose tail has been stepped on, thickened his neck no longer a little gentlemanly cursing Falk.

"You bullshit! The money I'm spending now is all I've earned from my investments, a total of 5 billion dollars!"

"Listen carefully, it is 5 billion dollars, the best student of investment management at Yale University is me!"

In a short distance to observe the crowd of Yulian, seeing this scene can not help but shake his head, he used to be quite optimistic about young Edward coming, now it seems that this young master is too well protected by the family.

Adams only slightly stimulated him with a few words, he could not restrain his emotions.

It is a bad thing to be in control of your emotions at the mall.

Sure enough, Adams continued sarcastically.

"You still say you're not relying on your family, where did you get your starting capital, did your parents give you tens of billions and you made $5 billion, and you call that an investment?"

"Yale University? Your parents gave you how much money to donate to the school, this capital is also worthy of your bragging? I earned ten billion, I can take out the voucher of my transaction anytime you want, can you?"

Edward himself was a little dumbfounded, these two points were almost all by Adams, the 5 billion he earned was indeed piled up by the start-up capital given by his parents, and various resources.

The parents also donated tens of millions to college, which is the normal operation of their rich second generation.

He was just a little unconvinced today, losing emotionally to a thug, being a stinky loser across the board.

Little Edward cursed, "Damn, don't be smug, let's bet against each other, I don't believe my investment vision will lose to you, whoever loses will admit he is a liar and take the initiative to apologize to the other side on the radio."

"How to bet?" Adams didn't expect little Edward to be so good at picking up the slack, and his initiative to propose a betting match was right up his alley.

"Your Lucky Star and my Parkway have a fair competition, both companies put out less than 5 billion capital investment, whoever makes 5 billion profit on the investment first, who is the winner!"

Edward Jr. gloated over his idea, but Adams showed no interest.

Adams was himself this bet is not interesting, win just get each other's apology, he simply does not care about this.

"How about we raise the stakes, whoever loses has to give the other side 5 billion in cash!" Edward continued to raise the stakes.

The group of people all got excited, although their family's possessions were more than tens of billions, 5 billion was a large amount of money for them.

"Do you dare to bet with me?" Edward said smugly.

"What's not to dare, then let Sevin by the notary, and we'll sign the betting agreement now."

Adams is confident, he knows that "Lucky Star" is making a large investment in the future, it is only a matter of time, he feels that he may not lose.

This confidence is based on several previous investments.

And Edward also feels that he is sure to win, several professional managers under his command are the top-ranked investment experts on Wall Street, and the annualized rate of return is more than 30% of the superhero.

He felt that the reason Adams was able to make so much money was just good luck.

The next will not always be so lucky.

As long as he wins Adams, he will be able to make Margaret look at him differently, and with Uncle Yulian's support, their marriage will naturally be on the agenda.

Both sides had their calculations, and at the instigation of other rich sons, on a blank sheet of paper, they signed a drafted betting agreement.

Sevin did not expect this to come to this point, because Margaret still cared for Adams.

He pulled Adams aside and said a little complainingly.

"Adams I told you not to be impulsive, you just hold back for a moment, Margaret's feelings for you and will not change, let Edward taunt you a few words and so what, we all know you are not a liar."

Margaret was also extremely difficult, she took Adams' arm and apologized repeatedly, saying.

"Adams, I thought he would at most give you a few hard times, or you should break the contract, it's not too late."

"It's okay, you have to have faith in me, it's only a matter of time before I can win."

He said to Sevin again, "This is all that Uncle Yulian wants to see, right? He organized this party, isn't it just to give me a hard time?"

Sevin was a bit speechless, this was indeed his father's idea, with Edward Jr. as his opponent, trying to make Adams know what to do, not expecting Adams would be so conceited that he would take this bet of up to 5 billion dollars.

Unexpectedly, this sentence just happened to be heard by Yulian as well, and he beckoned to Adams with a black face.

"You boy, come here."

Sevin and Margaret did not dare to breathe out, it was the first time they saw their father's angry appearance.

Adams was also a bit apprehensive, this middle-aged man is a real big shot, and those on the list of rich people in front of his wealth are a joke.

"Do you have something against me?"

"I have no opinion." Adams resisted the pressure, and said defiantly, that he agreed to Edward's bet, but also because Eulerian time and again made things difficult for him, there is a little bit of resentment, knowing that if this time backward retreat, all will be given by this one to look down on.

He wants to marry Margaret, he must pass the test of Julien.

What I didn't expect was a smile on Yulian's face, laughing: "Good boy, his temper is quite like mine when I was young. Since you have agreed to the bet, you have to prepare well."

"Still, if you have difficulties, you can come to me anytime." Yulian reminded with deep meaning.

"Then thank you in advance for your kindness, uncle." In his heart, however, he kept spitting out Yulian's bad taste, and if he took it seriously, he would probably be a real fool.

Youlian looked at Adams' defiant look, his heart also lamented the speed of this young man's growth, last time he then thought Adams would not be able to pass Goda this hurdle, ready for the aftermath.

I didn't expect Adams to survive Godard's counterattack and bite off a big piece of fat on Wanders Group.

He underestimated this guy, but wanting to marry his baby daughter is not an easy thing, to pass him, you must defeat Edward Jr. the pride of the sky to do so.