Chapter 41

First of all... Yeah that's my mood swing hitting me yesterday, I just suddenly got depressed while reminiscing the old times which I mean it's sad but It amplified that sadness into something bigger which affected my mental stability


Suika: it seems she has fallen asleep

Aya: I guess that's better

Yuugi: my question is... why are you two here?

Aya: I'm here to take a picture of the bullet patterns of people that I'm interested in

Yuugi: I see...

Yuugi: you are here for me?

Aya: yes!

Yuugi: then what are you waiting for let's go!

Aya: please take care of Kusa

Suika: you don't need to tell me that, I will take care of her without questions


In the Dreamworld Doremy is uncomfortable seeing Kusa being downcast for too long

Doremy: Kusa how about we play a game?

Kusa: a game?

Doremy: yes!

Kusa: is the game you've mentioned is bullet battle?

Doremy: yes, do you know the rules of Gensokyo?

Kusa: to some extent... yes

Doremy: if you won in the battle the one who is lost will fulfil their end of the agreement normally

Kusa: formal duel?

Doremy: Yes!! How about we do a formal duel?

Kusa: that is interesting... I agree

Doremy: If I won you will be back to your happy self

Kusa is surprised by Doremy's request

Kusa: then... if I won I will touch your tail for long as I want

Doremy: sure!

Kusa knows that she can't win against Doremy after all this is her home field

Despite that, she wants to release all the worries she experienced and wants to indulge in this battle as a chance to sort her mind out


In the end, Doremy won and Kusa is now smiling even though she got beat up badly

Doremy: then did you get your solution now?

Kusa: yes! It's to beat her to submission and make her listen to me!

Doremy: that is...

Doremy think for a moment

Doremy: I guess that's one way do to it

Kusa: thank you, Remy!!!

Kusa hugs Doremy while she can only helplessly pats Kusa on the head


In the real world, Aya finished taking pictures of Suika's bullets when Kusa is starting to regain consciousness

Kusa: hmm?

Yuugi: did you have a nice sleep?

Kusa: yup! I'm more energetic than ever!

Yuugi laughs and makes kusa sip some sake

Kusa: pwah! That hits the spot

Aya: Kusa are you fine now?

Kusa: of course!

Suika: then how about we go to the hotspring and drink?

Kusa: I agree!

Aya: I didn't agree!

Yuugi: oh come on it's just a tradition

Suika nods at Yuugi's statement

Kusa: we can continue after this, don't tell me you can't handle alcohol?

Aya: I totally can!

Kusa: then let's go!!!

The three merrily go to the hotspring while Aya reluctantly goes with them

When they finished Kusa can be seen carrying a drunk Aya and bidding farewell to the two Oni while not forgetting to give a basket of fruits to them

Kusa make the drunk Aya some orange juice and she continued her way towards the palace of earth spirits when she encountered Rin

Kusa: hello Rin!

Rin: Kusa!

Rin: don't tell me you're going to dispose of the corpse you're carrying?

Kusa: silly, this is Aya she drunk too much so I'm carrying her

Rin: I see... why are you here with her?

Kusa: because it's for her project

Rin: what kind of project?

Kusa: capturing bullet formations

Rin: can I join?!

Kusa: yes!

Kusa puts Aya in a hammock that she creates and the two sturdy pillars that have been used to tie the hammock

When they are busy doing the photoshoot Aya is awoken by the battle and sees a cup of orange juice near her

When they finished they saw Aya is awake and she is getting better, Aya waved at them

The three continued to walk in a slow-paced to make Aya fully awake when they encountered Utsuho

Utsuho: Rin, Kusa, and...

Aya: Aya!

Utsuho: Aya, what are you guys doing here?

Aya: you see...


Aya despite not being in her 100% state dodges Utsuho's bullets while Kusa and Rin are eating popcorn while sipping lemonade

Kusa: I wish Cirno is with us to cool the drinks

Rin: Agree

After the photoshoot Utsuho tag along with them

The four of them walk towards the palace of earth spirits and eventually fly because Aya has fully recovered

They entered the spacious office seeing Satori and Koishi playing Go

[Go or Weiqi, Weichi is an abstract strategy board game for two players in which the aim is to surround more territory than the opponent]

Satori: what are you guys doing here?

Aya steps forward and explains what she intends to do

Satori: I agree

Koishi: me too!

Satori and Aya go first while the rest is relaxing on the side

Koishi: Kusa how about we fight first?

Kusa: ehh... I don't know, I can't fight right now

Koishi: why?!

Even Utsuho and Rin are surprised

Kusa: my body hasn't been accustomed to my soul yet so I guess I'll wait for a few more days to past

Koishi: I see...

Kusa: How about you will be my first duel

Koishi: ehh! Really?!!

Kusa: yup!

Aya finished with Satori and now Komeiji is on the stage

Satori moves closer to Kusa and Kusa pampers her making Satori satisfied

While Utsuho and Rin is grown accustomed to the scene so they watched the photoshoot

Koishi: next time ill make sure to hit you!

Aya: you wish! I'll be much stronger next time we meet!

Koishi: oh yeah?!! I'll be much stronger than you, I will let you see it!

Satori: how about we have a relaxing tea time?

Kusa: sure

Aya: at the very least it's free

Utsuho|Komeiji: Yey!!!

The group decided to talk about idle topics and the main gossip of Gensokyo with Aya the one who provides them with interesting information

Aya and Kusa go back to the surface and Kusa gives some baskets of fruits to them

They have to cross the bridge again and Kusa is facing Parsee

Kusa: Parsee prepare yourself because I will explain myself to you!

Kusa shoots miniature suns and several solar beams toward the poor yokai

When Parsee is severely beaten Kusa hugs her

Kusa: you know... You remind me of myself

Parsee: eh?

Kusa: didn't I say to you that I'm just a blade of grass gain consciousness

Kusa: you know I'm jealous of living creatures because they have humanoid looks and have a group of friends

Kusa: I desperately want to be like them so I kill and kill many creatures just to be one of them

Even Aya is surprised to hear Kusa's story

Kusa: I'm not a good creature, to be honest, I've killed a lot of Yokai and I have killed humans

Kusa: why am I here in this position... You could say that I've met my light

Kusa: like grass, I need water and light to survive

Kusa: that light gives me a different understanding of life, she gave me hope when I treated myself as a lost cause

Kusa: that's why when I see you... Despite you're not as dangerous as I am

Kusa: I wish to be your light, I want you to be more outgoing and have a different outlook towards how you live instead of being jealous of everyone

Kusa: that's why... Please let me become your light and let me show you how wonderful the full picture is instead of focusing on the person in the picture

Parsee: yes... I agree

Kusa smiles at her answer and ruffles her head

While Aya photographs them secretly


I apologize... I'm a bad author