Chapter 44

Cirno seems happily freezing the entire lake because she is bored when she hears bullets hitting a wooden object

Cirno: what is that noise?

Cirno flies towards the location of that sound and sees her house getting hit by the barrages of bullets

Cirno: What are you guys doing!!!

The ones that release the bullets are the three mischievous fairies

Sunny: We are doing recruitment!

Cirno: why?

Luna: we want to terrorist the humans!

Cirno: You three?

The three fairy nods

Cirno: then what is the connection of your recruitment to my house?!

Sunny: you see we will force fairies to join us so we must show our strength, that's why we have to destroy this house to prove we are the strongest!

Star: A great fairy war to prove who is the strongest

Cirno seemed angry with their actions

Cirno: then let me show you who is the strongest fairy!

When Cirno looks again she saw them disappeared

Cirno: I should look at my house first before pursuing them

Cirno enters her house and it looks fine except for the picture frame that falls on the ground

Cirno: hmm?

The picture is Kusa's first Human form and in her arms is Cirno smiling

Cirno: if I remember correctly Aya took this photo when she got that device

Cirno puts the picture frame back

Cirno: Kusa is surely reliable she made the house super sturdy as expected of my greatest rival

Cirno: I should teach those Fairies who's the strongest one!!!

Cirno flies finding the fairy's initial direction

When she meets Daiyousei

Cirno: did you see those three fairies Dai-chan?

Daiyousei: my apologies Cirno-sama but I have to not let you pass

Cirno: so you are colluding with them!!!

Cirno: take this!

Cirno shoots ice needles towards Daiyousei

Daiyousei shots bullets toward cirno but because of the needles all of the bullets are being neutralized

Daiyousei: Ahhh!!!

Daiyousei falls to the ground

Cirno: don't look down on me because I'm the strongest!

Cirno flies away continues to find the three fairies

Cirno: what?!

Cirno evades the flower bullets and saw Letty

Letty: spring has arrived~

Cirno: it's obvious!!!

Cirno gathers ice particles into both of her hands

Cirno: (Kusa tells me this technique it's called Ice beam what is the chant again?)

Cirno: Ka.... me... Ha... Me...

Letty seemed surprised and wants to run

Cirno: WAVE!!!!!

Cirno shoots a thick blue laser freezing the surroundings approximately near to the lasers and freezing Letty as well

Cirno: as expected the strongest technique seems to fit me... Kusa also said that if you put all of your anger to it and shout loud the attack will be stronger

Cirno continues to fly to pursue the three fairies

She caught up with them while they are busy looking at the humans doing a flower view

Kusa: Oi!

The three fairies seemed surprised and goes to their battle positions

[ Sunny: Able to control the refraction of light

Luna: Able to control the propagation of sounds

Star: Able to sense animate objects from far away]

Cirno: let me show you why I am the strongest!

A snowstorm has suddenly appeared making the fairies disoriented with the fight and they can't communicate with each other

The humans see this and watch the fight excitedly thinking it's a show

The three shoots bullets but their bullets froze by Cirno and she counterattacks them

Luna shoots a lot of yellow crystal-shaped bullets and yellow star bullets

Cirno made it hail destroying the bullets and hit Luna with her blue bullets

Luna: Kuh!

Sunny attacks and shoots bullets in lines like a sunray and yellow bullet orbs

Cirno: your sunray isn't as strong as Kusa!

Cirno shoots hundreds of blue bullets toward the three

She made the bullets freeze in mid-air and made them move again making the bullets scattered in different directions hitting sunny

Sunny: ahh!

Star shoots small blue star-shaped bullets and big star-shaped bullets and small meteor bullets

Cirno: it's not enough to defeat me!

Cirno shoots small blue lasers in succession and hit Star's head

Star: Ouch!!

The three fairies decided to shoot at Cirno at the same time

Cirno: I'll end these futile attempts!

Cirno emits a cloud of mist making her surroundings freeze including the fairies

Three fairies: Ahh!

The three fairies fall making the humans clap at the show

Cirno lands in front of them

Cirno: see I am the strongest fairy!!!

Cirno: that meant you are my subordinates!!!

Cirno: and we are friends!

The three fairies seemed confused by that train of thought and they agreed to be friends with the strongest fairy

Cirno: my name is Cirno!

Sunny: Sunny Milk, the leader of the group!

Luna: Luna child

Star: Star Sapphire

Star: to be honest, we aren't going to terrorist humans we want to make a show towards humans so we decided to recruit fairies

Sunny: but because you arrived the humans are satisfied with the display!!

Cirno: that means... they like me?

Luna: yup!

Cirno looks toward the humans and shouts

Cirno: I the greatest and the strongest fairy will announce that I am the strongest!!!

The humans cheered for cirno while the three fairies just amused at her


Kusa can be seen tending the flower fields because Yuuka seemed lazy today

Cirno: Kusa!!!

Kusa: cirno?

Cirno arrives while she is full of happiness

Cirno: hear me out, I defeated all the fairies that meant I am the strongest!!!

Kusa: my, I didn't think you've become the official strongest fairy now

Kusa pats Cirno's head

Kusa: you've grown too and become much stronger than ever

Cirno: hehe~!

Cirno seems proud of herself

Cirno: didn't you say that you will grant a wish that I want if I defeat you?

Kusa: of course!

Cirno: then! Don't use your sun sign, let's fight in mid-air, and you are prohibited to use lasers!!!

Kusa is amused with Cirno's request and agreed


Cirno won but she is super tired and she sleeps in Kusa's embrace while Kusa is still in her pristine state and happily humming making her voice soothing to Cirno's ears