
Thank you for reading this shitty fanfic of mine

And thank you to the people who supported me and voted for me

It made my negative thought go away, to be honest, and I appreciate it

I also want to ask you what do you want to read next?

-Hololive Fanfic

-A multiverse Fanfic

-another Touhou fanfic

What type of Mc do you want to see?

-Using the appearance of an existing character and copying their abilities

-Making a new character


I guess thats all I wanted to say...

Stay safe and thank you for reading it!!!

-I created another fanfic a day later after this has finished and the first one that get high votes is making another touhou fanfic-

-the mc uses a popular franchise character-

I'll upload that fanfic after it hit 10 chapters

The name of it is Becoming an Oni in this land of Illusion