We Are Strong

One wrong move, one wrong choice of words, and the curious faces Dark River Pack werewolves had would be wiped off so fast that Lisa wouldn't know what had happened.

She had everything under control, she had a plan so the only thing she needed to do was to let the werewolves know what it was. Was it really a plan or just a speech? Lisa Rothwell was not so sure, probably you can call what she had in her head was 'mere talk' whatever the case, she was going to tell them.

She wanted to glance to her left and right to see Harold and Rose's faces, but she talked herself out of it. If she did look at them the werewolves will think that she has nothing and all she was doing in front of them were wasting their time.

So, all she had to do was look ahead, she could feel her heart starting to beat erratically and tried to calm it as fast as possible, the room was full of werewolves who were aware when