To Call Or Not

Inside the office, Luna River was trying so hard not to throw something at the men she was with her there, she was wondering how her husband who by the way she has not spoken to, dealt with the two men.

She sigh and looked at the blank page in front of her, she didn't want to stare at the other page as she knew if she did she will call the one person she never thought she would call whenever she had a problem.

But the problem at stake was big enough and Luna River knew that yet she couldn't find herself picking up the phone and calling them.

Luna River couldn't help but see the looks on their face as they told her, "we knew it, you were always going to come back to us."

She cringed, she needed to think of another person who would help her, but who would? She had been trying to get in touch with Alpha Sunny and he was not picking either, she didn't know what to do.