Transformation Teacher

Lisa walked hurriedly to the Dark River Pack library, behind her Luna River and Beta Jean were murmuring about something. Lisa heard her name but she didn't turn around and ask what they were talking about. 

At that moment Lisa's focus was to get to the library and see what or why Rose called them there. On the phone, Rose had been vague and the call had ended before Lisa got a chance to ask what she meant.

Lisa was typing on her phone furiously a reply to Harold. 

She was like the commander who needed to know what was happening in the war zone. Since Rose had already called her the only person she had not gotten feedback from was Harold. Lisa sent a text to him asking if he died on his way to look for their mothers and Asher. 

She didn't receive a reply. She sent a follow-up text.  Even though she hated that, there was a need to send that, or she would turn around and go look for those three by herself. 

The library was empty.