
If anyone told Asher Fay what he was doing at that moment, he would have said no, that was not him and that something or someone possessed him. 

Maybe or maybe not.

The ladies in the room were not so sure, actually, they didn't know if they would get the chance to look back at what was going on and tell the pack whether Asher Fay was possessed or not. They were stuck. 

Asher continued chanting, his eyes closed. The ladies didn't understand what he was saying and seriously they didn't care. They wished for someone to come and take them out of the room. They looked at each other one more time and then their eyes closed. 

"Livia, don't close your eyes." 

"I am trying Ruby." The other answered. 

They opened them and looked at the boy who continued chanting as if his life depended on it. They were really trying and they were not so sure how long they would take before they succumbed to sleep.