Twigs Here And There

If there was a way out other than the pack house's main door, Beta Jean and Delta River would have taken it. "Let's fly through the window." Delta Francis proposed. Beta Jean looked at his friend and then stare at the window, it didn't sound like a bad idea at all. 

The problem was they could get hurt. Delta Francis read his friend's thoughts and informed him, "we are werewolves, we heal fast, remember?" 

Beta Jean nodded and smiled, remembering when he told Luna River that he was not going to allow her to jump through the window. And after Delta Francis mentioned to him about flying through the window, he understood why Luna River almost jumped.

"Let's reply and tell her we left and she should inform Alpha Rowan that it was nice to work with him and Dark River Pack will always be our home. We will always have him here, in our hearts." Delta Francis said and placed a hand over his heart and that of Beta Jean too.