Painful Howl

The rogues were leaving and Cassie wished she could run after them and ask why they were leaving even though she was scared, she really would give anything to know why because it was surprising the rogues were leaving without anyone chasing them, how was that even possible?

She wasn't that stupid, she was not going to ask them that silly question and it was not like she mastered what the wolves looked like, but one thing for sure, they were rogues. How bad was that? 

Cassie felt like she had failed for the first time in her life, not only had she transformed before the ones who were supposed to but also she has allowed the rogues to leave. 

Okay, she needed to stop blaming herself. She didn't summon her wolf, right? 

It was not like she talked to herself inside Harold's transformation room like, "hey wolf, wanna come out, just come."