You Forgot

Lisa swirled around when her father called her and said, "unbelievable." 

"I was busy, Lisa, I am sorry that I forgot." 

Lisa shook her head, she couldn't believe that her father forgot that he had locked her in the cell and had to spend there the whole night. She stared at her father with a har, "if you told me you were out or something like that, I would understand, but you are telling me that you were busy?" 

Beta Jean agreed with his daughter which made everything worse. Lisa said to him, "it is okay you lock me up, maybe I crosses a line I was not supposed to, but you forgot about me, you forgot me, in a cell? A cell you threw me in? How is that possible?" 

Beta Jean sighed and silenced his phone which kept ringing, he didn't think picking it up will help his case. His daughter was furious.