Make A Run

The talk with her sister made everything even worse because one, she didn't have an answer, and two she did the one thing Alpha Rowan asked them not to. Yes, it was years ago when they made that promise but a promise is a promise no matter how long it takes. 

She had never called her parents even when she wanted to tell them how everything turned out. But after Delta Francis made that call it all changed. 

She was surprised that her parents didn't inform her sister of what has happened. It was a surprise because Luna River expected that the moment she called her sister. Her sister would scream to her, "I told you so. Yes. I did." 

She stopped pacing and looked at the watch, it was way past sleeping time. Even for a Luna, she needed to take a nap or something, or else she would be a walking zombie the next day. 

But how could she?