What Happened

"I am fine, I look fine. Nothing is wrong with me. See, eyes okay. Body, okay. I was the one who asked Harold to stay in the hall because I had something to do in my room," Asher explained again to Livia and Ruby.

"Hey, hey Asher. There's no need to put it on yourself, I left you." Harold said with an apologetic smile. 

Livia turned around and faced Harold, surprise written all over her face, she couldn't believe that Harold accepted the blame was on him. Ruby on the other hand was staring at her son wondering what has happened with Harold.

Harold never defended anyone, let alone Asher Fay. 

Harold looked from his mother to Livia then to Asher, and chuckled, "why are you all looking at me as if I have been killed. People change, and werewolves too. I am not an exception. You are supposed to be happy for me, mother." 

Ruby nodded and asked with curiosity written all over her face, "son, how did it happen?"