The Wolf And The Witch (i)

Cassie placed her ears at the door and when she heard nothing, she opened it slowly. She looked left then right, and when she found no one was roaming in the hall. She closed the door slowly and started walking.

"You know…"

"Uh!" Cassie half-yelped and covered her mouth.

"You forgot me?" Liro, her wolf asked.

"Hey, it has not been a very nice return, okay? So, give me a break." Cassie replied.

"Hey, relax." The wolf told her.

"Sure. If I was not relaxed, I am sure right now you would be running through the forest howling." Cassie said and looked behind her again.

"Can you stop doing that?" The wolf said.

"Hey, don't be so salty," Cassie said and hide when she heard someone approaching.

"That was close. Oh, you should see what you look like right now. You seem like someone who is escaping in the middle of the night to see their lovers. Mark that word, lover. And not your husband. You know why?" The wolf asked.