Keep The Door Locked

"Hey mom, hey dad. We need to talk. Like ASAP." Cassie said and let out a roar of laughter when her father, alpha Rowan jumped to cover Luna River. 

"Rowan. Get off of me." Luna River mumbled under the cover.

"Dad, too far," Cassie commented.

"I did take it too far." Alpha Rowan murmured and got off of his mate. He yawned and jumped off the bed with a swagger.

Cassie couldn't help but giggle.

"Cassie, we talked about this. I think ten years ago, mine and your father's bedroom is our sacred place. If you want to come in knock on the door. Do you need us to have that conversation, again?" Luna River complained as she uncovered herself as slowly as she could.

As a child and the only child, in this case, Cassie would always wake up from her bedroom and come to her parents and most of the time she would tiptoe to the bed and try to scare Luna River and her mate.

Sometimes it worked. That was when they wanted to play games with their kid.