
Pups stared at Lisa, their little adorable faces showing immersed concentration.

Lisa tried something Rose had mentioned to her on their way to the room. She waved and in unison, the pups nodded. Lisa chuckled lightly and stared at the door where Rose stood with arms crossed over her chest. 

The rain has reduced by now. Lisa found it hard to believe that the pups were not wrapped in their blankets asleep. Or with their parents as they complained about whatever pups complained about in the morning. 

The class. As per Lisa. She was not sure what she should call it. 

The class started two days ago because the pups were bored staying in their bedrooms as they couldn't go outside. They always played outside, chasing after each other, and most of the time they were making their parents' life a living hell.

However, due to the rain, they couldn't. 

After Luna River saw that, she asked Lisa to start her teaching.