Same Name, Different Personalities

The pups listened to the story with great attention. Once in a while, they would coil to their parents. They would gasp. Their eyes would widen in surprise. 

The pups reacted to the story in a way Alpha Rowan and every parent were not expecting. If it was because of Lisa and how she told them a little bit of the history, Alpha Rowan was not so sure. He didn't complain either, it was way better they didn't appear scared.

Since he was not feeling well, Elder Staline helped him. 

Not once did the kids raise their hands to ask a question. But once Alpha Rowan finished, "and now, here we are and our future alpha female is about to go on a quest." The pups raised their hands at once. 

The parents stared at Alpha Rowan as they waited for what he was about to say. By now they were able to talk via the mind-link so if Alpha Rowan was to ask them to take their pups out of the meeting room, that was what they were going to do.