No Memo From The Attackers

Cassie ran towards Beta Jean at a speed. Beta Jean moved from the way and Cassie fell. Cassie looked up and waited for Beta Jean to offer help. 

However, that was not one of Beta Jean's plans, he crossed his hands over his chest and took a step backward. Cassie groaned from the ground and used her hand to help her stand up. She approached Beta Jean with hands wide open, "I fall as a sack, now what?" 

Beta Jean motioned for her to follow her.  Cassie grunted and followed him. 

It was Beta Jean's training room. He asked Cassie to stand next to the punching bag. Cassie walked there; her head hung low. She wanted nothing but to get to her room and lay down. She hated the fact that she couldn't say that. 

She needed this.