Sorry, It Already Begun

Just a couple of days and Cassie was ready to call her parents and tell them it was a bad idea to leave the pack to her. 

She couldn't, the thought of her mother worrying about her after she heard how much work they left to their daughter made her stop. She wanted her mother to be safe. Hell, if need be, she would do that till she started her journey. 

Most of the things were okay, Beta Jean, Delta Francis, and her best friends were on her side. To make it even better, she had two more friends, like best friends. Asher and Harold. 

The rumor had died because Cassie talked to some of the teenagers she met. Little did she know, Asher was the one who take care of most of it. His words to everyone were, "you want her to be close to you as she is close to me then stop this nonsense." 

It worked, the rumors died. There was a chance they stopped because Asher told them to, the boy has always been quiet, it was a shock when he talked to everyone like that.