River Is A Mess

"Someone just said that Indigo is in his room chanting bullshit." Tee said to his mate. 

"Mmh," Krista said. 

"Why aren't you happy?" He asked his mate. Before she could answer, he raised his hand, Krista nodded, his phone was ringing, he looked at the name, 'J' he picked it up. "Yes?" 

Tee listened to what Beta Jean said and after he bid him goodbye, the call ended. Krista asked immediately, "what is it?" 

"This just confirmed that our plan worked. The ancestors helped Asher and used Indigo." Tee whispered. 

Krista looked away. When she planned this she didn't think the news she will hear would be of her parents inside the Dark River Pack and to make it worse, her sister was not there. 

Her parents were nuisances and she hated that she had to go there to see they don't spoil everything Luna River had worked hard for.