
Luna River woke up the same time Cassie did.

The first thing she asked alpha Rowan fierily was, "are those two leeches still in my pack?"

She didn't have to ask Alpha Rowan twice because they both knew who they meant by that. Alpha Rowan told her that indeed they were but under Livia and Ruby. It took her by surprise that her parents have done nothing to the two ladies.

Yes, Livia and Ruby were capable of defending themselves but not her parents, they were powerful and their need to protect each other always made them great warriors. They were some stuck-up parents but the best mates Luna River has ever seen.

"I thought it would be Beta Jean." Luna River said wearing her shoes. She slapped her mate's hands away when he tried to tie them for her. She straightened up and pulled down her shirt. She stretched her hand, Alpha Rowan handed her, her watch.