
The scene in front of her reminded her back when she was preparing for others' transformation. Back then, everyone was excited about the party. The women running up and down, kids whispering to each other what they would eat first.

Unfortunately, this time around there was a slight difference.

Yes, everyone was excited, but not like last time. So far their excitement has led to unexpected situations and Cassie wouldn't blame anyone for acting the way they were. She hurriedly walked towards the transformation room with Lisa by her side.

"I don't know why we are here," Lisa repeated.

"You will see," Cassie said.

"Hey, it is not your fault."

"I know."

Lisa linked her hand to Cassie's and said, "my dad told me, it happens sometimes."

"What happens?" Cassie inquired while opening the door.

"The Lunas getting mad at the wolves when they disrespected them."