Chapter 1: Awake

Blane woke up with a start. He tried to move his body but found all his actions were slowed. He tried to remember what happened and why he was so groggy when he remembered,

"Shit what the hell happened," he said or at least tried to, it sounded more like "it ut eh ell append"

"You were sleeping in cryosleep for approximately 100 years after being transformed and teleported through spacetime by deity level magic," the annoying female voice from the HealX chamber said.

Blane stared into space waiting for the assholes who locked him in here to let him out, for them to laugh at him for falling for this joke. Nothing happened. After 5 minutes he yelled for them to let him out. After 10 minutes he pressed the help button, it didn't light up proving that whoever did this spent time disabling the help system and disconnecting it from the internet and external power. Unless, unless what the voice had said was true - - - Nope Blane said to himself no way.

"All information given was factual," the voice said in its usual tone.

Blane was in shock had the machine just read his mind? No that wasn't possible but it wouldn't hurt to ask, anyway it wasn't like he had much else to do.

"Can you read my mind?" Blane asked feeling foolish?

"No" the system replied. Blane let out a sigh of relief thinking he had gone crazy.

Blane then tried to think about how he would get out of this situation the door couldn't be opened from the inside, a terrible design error he thought. The HealX chambers wouldn't have even passed basic safety standards but were allowed to be sold due to the fact that only X.Corp could make them. Then a thought occurred to Blane, I'm an idiot he thought in his head.

"What are your functions," he asked aloud to the program.

Suddenly in his mind, a list came up.


Systems: X


[Advanced AI] [Currently Active: X]

[Acces to X.Corp systems] [Passive]

[Acces to computer systems] [Limited]

[System advacment program]

[Human Advancement System]

[Release AI Potential]

[+System Level Too Low+]


"What the hell is this" Blane yelled out in anger.

"Your system" X replied. "It was added to your soul during cryostasis"

"Open, The, Door," Blane said venom dripping from every word. He had always thought of himself as a rational person and he wasn't going to sit and cry about his situation, he was however going to figure out just what was going on.

"Door mechanism owned by X.Corp accesses granted" X's voice rang out in its usual robotic tone. As X said this the same weird box appeared in Blane's vision, this time showing something about the chamber he was in.


HealX Chamber: X.Corp Systems

[Open Door] [In Progress]

[Close Door] [Active]]

[Initiate Diagnossis] [ERROR 1]

[Activate Healing Magic]

Divine System: [+System Level Too Low+]

[Activate Cryostatsis]

[Initiate Interdimensional transport] [ERROR 2]

[Inject System] [ERROR 3]

Error Log: HealX Chamber, Divine System.

[1] [Missing AI System]

[2] [Missing Power Source] [In Dimension]

[3] [Missing System] [Missing AI]

Active Tasks: HealX Chamber

[ Open Door ] [ Time Remaining: 10 Minutes ]


After Blane was done reading through the info the screen diapered. He had calmed down a bit and accepted the fact that what the AI, no X said was true, he was in another dimension.

"So what can I do with this system," Blane said. If he couldn't do anything for 10 minutes he may as well gather information.

"The system will allow you to do a multitude of things," X stated. "First it will allow you full access to all X.corp systems. After a scan, I have found 1 X.corp system on this planet, this HealX chamber."

"So useless" Balne said, stating the obvious. "Anything else that won't help at all?"

"No" X replied. "Will that be all?"

"Yes," Blane said, "List the rest, and learn what sarcasm is."

"Acces to computer systems will allow you to utilize all computer systems within a 100-meter range. The range will increase with the system level. Currently, low-level security can be bypassed to access higher-level systems advance the system level."

"And how many computer systems are within range" Blane rolled his eyes waiting for the response.

"1 Computer system is within range, the HealX chamber," X informed him. Suddenly the system showed a notification.


System Detected: Life Systems (Multiple Types)

Sacrifice Ability: [ Acces to computer systems ] [ Limited ]

Gain Ability: [ Acces To Life Systems 1 ] [ Upgradable ] [ 0 / 100 ]

Accept / Deny


"What will this do," Blane asked X. "Besides switching the ability"

"The new ability will allow you to access the life systems of living beings" X stated. "At this level, you will be able to read limited info on a creature, such as if it's safe to eat. At a higher level, this will allow you to make minor edits, and if the ability reaches the transcendency level completely change the creature."

Blane was shocked. The system was basically telling him that he could switch a useless ability for one that would let him play god.

"Do it" he said.


Accept Y / N




Ability Deleted: [ Acces to computer systems ] [ Limited ]

Ability Gained: [ Acces To Life Systems 1 ]

[ Upgradable ] [ 0 / 100 ]


Maybe this isn't so bad after all Blane thought.

"Tell me about the rest of my abilities"

"Next is the system advancement program," X said "This is a program that will allow you to upgrade the main system and any subsystems gained."

Oh, subsystems, that sounds interesting he thought, Blane, made a mental note to look into it later.

"The human advancement system is similar to the life systems." X continued. "It allows the user to advance themselves in both their physical form, which includes combat skills and physical abilities, and magical form, which includes mastery of different pathways, and spells. Unlike a normal life system however there are a few differences, first, you can view your advancement system at any time allowing you to see what you must do. Second, you can utilize all pathways and unlike a life system none will become locked by picking another, The final and biggest difference is the partner slot, this will allow you to pick a partner who will join your system. Be sure in your choice however as this can't be changed and can only be done once, an agreement will also be needed from both sides. This will unlock a new ability [Partner Ability Tree]."

"Hmph." Said Blane. "Seems whoever created this is forcing on a certain path."

"The next ability is locked until you are in a stable mental state for 48 hours" X stated.

"Oh fun, another useless ability, anything else I cant use," Blane asked.

"Yes," X replied "There are multiple other commands and functions of the system that are locked until the system gains a higher level."

Blane rolled his eyes at that, you would think that if humanity could build a medical healing chamber the species could have at least taught AI sarcasm. Suddenly the system gave a new notification.


Active Tasks: HealX Chamber

[ Open Door ] [ Time Remaining: 0 Seconds ]

[ Door Opening]


Just then the door made a hissing noise and light flooded in blinding Blane, forcing him to shut his eyes. When I open them he thought my life will be changed forever (if it's not just a prank). Then he opened his eyes.