
My name is Ryan Dango a normal student, who goes to a normal school and lives a normal happy life. My parents are living happily and have a successfully running business. I get to have a lot of the things which normal people can't get like a wall when tapped in a particular way opens to my collection of manga and many more things.

But one particular day I was with my girlfriend about to cross the street my human senses tingled I stepped back and turned towards my right only to see the fabled TRUCK-KUN!! My heartbeat quickened like a horse before the finishing line. I was saved that day I thought, but fate acted like a Bitch, and my girlfriend who got pushed by someone, pushed me, and like a long-lost friend TRUCK-KUN hugged me closely only for me to lose consciousness.



A place where space-time is still a goddess was leisurely sitting on her throne and viewing the death of people randomly when she sensed someone teleporting to her domain, curious she went near the place only to see a wisp of soul in a dormant state. there was a letter to which got her more amazed of who would be sending a letter to her the GODDESS OF LIFE AND DEATH OF THE OMNIVERSE. Opening it she saw.

dear daughter,

your father here got to know that you are not at all doing work and passing all your work to your subordinates and being lazy. So as a punishment you have to let this soul reincarnate in a world and watch over it, also give it wishes.

your loving father,




Hmm slowly opening my eyes, looking around I saw nothing but darkness. I could not move anywhere due to me having no legs or any body parts. I got tired and was about to close my eyes when I heard a clear and angry voice. I looked forward only to a face with unparalleled beauty with a body being divine and perfect. with anger laced in her voice, she said"oh has the sleeping beauty awakened, cause it is about time you do".I got startled and wanted to reply but could not. Seeing me not replying the goddess said with more anger, "speak through your mind I can hear it".finally, I could speak and it was like a lost part has returned to me.

Ryan: I don't know what I did to anger you but can you tell me where am I.

Anger intensifies...

goddess: You have guts human after making me angry you're asking me more questions now.

Then the goddess said, "I don't want to hear any more questions a wheel will spin for the world in which u will be reincarnated, and one more wheel where you will get your family name to which you are born after that you will get one wish for your power which you want no overpowered things like all-knowing knowledge or immortal body understand".

I was shocked and wanted to ask so many things but restrained myself from asking questions making the goddess angrier.

The wheels started spinning and in the first wheel, I saw many worlds like overlord, food wars, naruto, bleach, one-piece, etc. it slowly stopped at naruto. seeing the result I started jumping with joy or so I wish I could. but my attention was on the next wheel as it determines whether I get a ninja family or a common family.

it stopped at the Dango family which was never there in the original show or manga. I read the description and it only said that -the Dango family was a secretive family whose specialty is a person can comprehend any Jutsu just by seeing it ones no matter which element or level it is provided u have the chakra to use it.

I was once again screening in my mind since I thought this is the coolest power I could get in a world like naruto where after the canon starts u have to have power or else ur jus fodder who will soon die.

Then came the last part where I could ask for a wish. I thought for a long time which started making the goddess angrier and before she changes my mind I asked for my wish that is a type of body that can use and store any type of energy to the maximum efficiency.

The goddess thought for a little while and just looked at me and snapped her fingers and I started turning into dust but just before I was gone I heard the goddess say "ill be watching you so better make me get entertained".hearing this for the first time after my death I got chills.