
As soon as Amon entered he felt the intense negative energy around the school. Many weak and oppressive aura surrounded this place.

Actually, he noticed similar situations in many places before. Hospitals, Office buildings, Cemetary many such places had similar situations.

Places with people crowding it and places related to negative emotions had concentrations of these weird creatures higher. He was somehow oddly reminded of the anime Jujutsu Kaisen he watched.

Since his control of this negative energy was not high enough he couldn't accurately pinpoint these strong presences.

'Aww~ I thought I could have a fight with them and see how powerful I am'

Soon Amon and Irumi went to their respective classes. Irumi was one grade higher than Amon so he had a different class.

The day was a bit weird for Amon who was forced to read and do things that little kids would do. But still, he enjoyed it in his own way.

He found the little kids here to be a bit annoying but he was already used to the kids at the orphanage.

"Hey, do you know they say there is a ghost in this school?" one of the kids said with an excited expression. He was a fat boy with black hair.

Some of the surrounding kids who heard it became instantly scared while some had faced that didn't believe it.

"You know ghosts don't exist right?" one of the kids said with a haughty expression.

"Ghost actually exits" Amon who was hearing this conversation intervened.

Some kids looked at Amon weirdly while some had a curious expression. The previous arrogant kid spoke again.

"Hoho I am scared" the other kids immediately laughed at this. Amon just smirked.

"Actually I have seen ghosts and talked with them" Amon said with a smile on his face. One of the boys was scared and wet his pants.

The other kids urged Amon to say more about this. So, Amon continued.

"When I was just a baby, I had the ability to see ghosts. You should not make fun of them because they are very scary creatures. Just by looking at them, you guys will piss your pants" Amon continued with a serious expression.

The surrounding kids had looked with admiration as one of their friends had the ability to see ghosts.

"Amon-kun you are soo cool" one of the girls said with a small blush on her face.

The arrogant boy whose name was Akio was irritated that the beautiful girl Akane was completing another guy.

"Obviously guys, he is just lying. Who will even believe that ghost is real" he said hoping to persuade the others.

'This arrogant kid. Why can't he believe it like the others. I just wanted to ask that fat boy about his ghost stories see if it had any connection to the powerful presence here'

"Akio how about I give you proof?" saying this Amon did some weird motions to further dramatise his performance.

"The ghost that occupies this classroom, the great spirit, this boy named Akio questions your existence. To give him proof I request you to make his lunchbox magically appear in my hands" Amon prayed to the 'ghost'

Suddenly a lunch box magically appeared in Amon's hand.

"T-that's m-my box" Akio said with a trembling voice.



All the surrounding kids started shouting and some already had tears in their eyes. Akio even wet his pants.

"Don't worry guys the ghost promised me he will not hurt anyone" Amon said with a straight face.

"R-really?" one of the girls asked.

"Really you don't have to be scared of him" Amon answered. The kids calmed down. It was good that the teacher was not present at this time.

"Anyway, what about the ghost story you told? It sounds interesting" Amon asked the fat kid who was named Daiku.

"W-well, my brother who studied here said that there was a ghost residing here. He said it stays in a closet in the storage room. It steals the kid's shadows and envelops them in darkness" Daiku said visibly scared.

Amon nodded thoughtfully and didn't say anything. Soon, the teacher was back and the classes continued.

During the break, Amon decided he will go and take a look at the place that supposedly had a ghost. He had a feeling that the strong presence in the school belonged to that place.

He went through the corridors that were packed with children and arrived at the end of the corridor. There he turned right and took the staircase and entered the first floor.

He felt a large amount of energy concentrated in one place. Many people instinctively avoided that place.

'It seems it's really here' Amon went towards that place with delight and entered the storage room. It was a fairly spacious room with many things stored there. But what caught his attention was the closet that was at the farther end of the room.

It had an ominous vibe to it giving the people the illusion that it was cursed.

"You don't need to hide I know you are here" Amon shouted at the closet. If some entered they would certainly think he was a fool.

Seeing that he didn't get any response, Amon didn't do anything and just stood there. He wanted to see how long it can ignore his presence.

'Let's see who plays this game longer' Amon thought with a smirk.

Not even two minutes had passed but the creature lost its patience and came out of the closet.

Its appearance was of a closet. It was literally a closet with hands and legs and a distorted face. It had weird teeth and many tentacles extending from its body each of which was holding an item like a mop, clothes etc.

"" it said with a distorted voice and a very creepy smile. Amon was once again dumbfounded wondering where they learned to speak like that.

Other than saying that simple sentence it didn't seem to have any intelligence. As immediately after that, it started attacking Amon.