Chapter 5:

Chapter 5 :

Alyssa pov..

"Happy birthday to my dearest love, ohhh I love you so much , king of my heart, moon of my life.." An overly excited nasally voice was saying in a singsong tone. The voice belonged to Vanessa, Devons girlfriend of almost two years.

Nessa is what one can describe as a total knockout, sexy as hell. She is a classic beauty, with hips that gives her a nice shape and above average br**sts, that some would call a hand full.

But beautiful is the definition of Nessa, more so is the fact that she is from the Moon claw pack. I heard Devon has vowed to make her his Luna. Not that he doesn't cheat on her, he does but she doesn't mind.

The gossip vine says she is waiting to officially become the Luna before she'd let him bed her. There is a lot of gossip to go around if you work as a servant in the pack house.

My pack is one of the biggest and wealthiest packs in existence. But the money is not fairly distributed. The titled wolves in our pack live extravagant lives in fact you can call them celebrities.

They are extremely popular in our world,

Everyone wants to attend our parties and gatherings of any kind and everyone wants the titled members at their events.

The titled wolves in my pack are pictured regularly like human celebrities are. I guess they are. The only rule is you can't take a picture of them in wolf form, that can get you killed.

Reign snarled in my head as Nessa kissed Devon passionately. "Get a room, you two." Darcy grumbled in disgust. Nessa chuckled as they came up for air.

"Did you bring your things?" Devon asked her. She smirked at him .

"Did you?" he asked again.

"Yes." She said rolling her eyes at him.

He was desperate to make her his Luna. Being mated to a member of the moon claw pack is a big deal amongst regular wolves like us, it's like horse breeding. A moon claw pack mating will give you the strongest pups and the possibility of a moon alpha in your bloodline.

So yeah, there was this insane rush for it.

"What the f**k Devon ?, What is this ugly skank doing here?? " Nessa queried in a scandalized tone. He pouted at her before saying.

"Being punished for serving me runny oats.?" He finished in a questioning tone.

She sighed, before saying.

" Please get that slimy thing away from me, before it spoils my mood."

"Done." he said and flicked his wrist at me.

I scrambled to my feet, about to run to the kitchen but stilled when he growled at me.

"You stupid, ungrateful imp !!, you will crawl like the slimy pest you are till you get to the kitchen, since you have no manners." Devon growled.

"Thank you master." I said quickly correcting my mistake, before he decides to punish me again.

Drew would you be a darling and ensure the imp crawls all the way to the kitchen? ". Darcy asked in a sweet voice .

"Gladly Darcy." Drew said as he got out of his chair.

I rolled my eyes as I went down on my hands and knees and bit the inside of my cheeks really hard. I didn't stop until blood pooled in my mouth. Reign was so mad, she was pounding in my head, wanting to be let out.

This was a strange reaction from Reign.

I crawled all the way to the huge industrial kitchen, with some pack members giving me disgusted looks, others laughed their heads off at me, teenagers and kids threw dirt at me, while others kicked me as I crawled. I didn't cry, I refused to, I wouldn't let anyone see my tears and why should I waste any more tears on Devon?!.

Frod, my mum and three other omega servants were prepping food for the party when I crawled in, Drew stood just outside the kitchen doors. I stopped and looked back at him for approval to get up. After a moment or two, he nodded and I stood up thanking him, while slightly bowing my head to him In respect to him.

Everyone was suddenly quiet in the kitchen, they all knew my travails with the young alpha and sympathized with me, there was nothing more they could do.

"Sweetheart why don't you go home and come back much later to help during the party, dad will come by to take you home soon ."

My mum who was the first to untie her tongue, suggested.

"Yes, I think that would be best." Frod said.

"No, say no, we have to stay close to the young alpha today." Reign argued and tried to take control forcefully.

I didn't let her.

But I was beginning to get irritated with her, my patience running low. She was never like this though, so I ignored her ramblings again, as I waited outside for my dad, behind the kitchens emergency exit door.

"Hello sweetheart, ready to go?" dad asked. "Hi dad, yes I'm ready to go." I said as he kissed my cheeks and offered me his arm. "How was patrol today?" I asked him as I skipped beside him as we walked home. "Fine. " he said and looked away quickly, but not before I saw the sadness in his eyes.

I turned eighteen, just over four weeks ago. And for all the talk about mates, I was never quite enthusiastic about my prospects. My parents shower me with all the love they can afford to give me and I know it hurts them to see me treated this way, there is nothing they can do about my situation, it is the reality of my life.

Dad loves his job, but I know he isn't happy with his life. His mate and daughter work as servants.

Mum came home just after lunch and went straight to bed. Dad joined her, we were all going to be working heavy shifts tonight.

The guards would be on high alert during the party, I would most likely be assigned to kitchen or cleaning duty or both, mum would definitely be on cooking duty. She is one of the best cooks in the pack.

So everyone went to bed early, we needed to be well rested for tonight.