chapter 7:

Chapter 7:

Alyssas pov

I passed out in my fathers arm before he reached our house, then fell into a coma.

My parents did all they could for me to get any and all medicine that was suggested, to help me heal and wake up.

Nothing worked!

The intriguing thing was that even in my comatose state I could hear everything going on in the house.

My mom cried all the time, she begged to be given time off work in the pack house to take care of me.

They must have granted her her wish because she stayed with me everyday. She cried and cried, then prayed and begged the moon goddess to spare the life of her only child.

She even told the moon goddess to reduce my pain, Goddess bless her soul she was a thoughtful mother.

She bathed me once a day and almost never left my side.

They slept in my room every night and sometimes prayed to the moon goddess together.

The earliest thing I remember was the extreme pain, it was blinding white hot pain, searing through my body, making my soul weep and scream in agony.

This went on for the longest time, I begged for death, I even promised anyone that could hear my pleas a reward of my eternal service and loyalty, to help me with my death wish.

But no one came, no one saved me.

Everything was blank, The pain was there reoccurring by the minute it was like an unending circle.

Then one day a white wolf appeared out of nowhere, to my subconscious.

It dragged me down a path, to an imaginary stream, and began to feed me water from the stream.

At first I begged it for a mercy killing, then for a brutal one. There was no answer, the wolf seemed to be deaf and dumb.

Seeing and feeling no relief from my pain, I thrashed around and cursed at it, but it continued to feed me the water. After a really long time, I noticed that my pain had began to thaw.

The white wolf continued to care for me with the water, but one day it stood up to its full height and howled for a really longtime.

I watched in awe as the moon appeared. It was supposed to be a full moon, but it appeared raggedy, torn or shredded in several places.

The wolf dragged me into the water, then disappeared.

Leaving me, the little stream and the shredded moon, all alone.

I found that I thirsted for the water, despite the fact that I was living in it.

After some days, I noticed that the shredded moon had begun to repair itself.

And on the night that it was finally restored, it began to brighten and brighten until the dark place shone like the day and the moon exploded, its bright light shining straight into my eyes, blinding me, burning its odd cold heat into one of my eyes.

Then quite suddenly it was gone, so was the stream. I was in a dark place, but I noticed that I wasn't sad, in pain or wishing for death anymore.

I could feel and tell that I was in something like a cocoon, a cozy special place. It wasn't a cute place ,it was something more like in limbo, suspended from everything.

At first I couldn't speak with my wolf because she was really weak , but I soon began to get better and move around slightly.

Then the nightmares began, Nessa would attack me by throwing me into a bed of wolfbane, Luna Estelle would throw knives at me and Devon would stump on me just to push the knives deeper into me.

I would choke on my blood and begin to cough violently and savagely trash around, in fear and anxiety.

But how could someone have nightmares without sleeping.

I knew I was in a comatose state, but I couldn't comprehend the things I was experiencing.

Then I began to scratch myself, with my claws leaving deep gashes, that could be seen on my comatose self. That's when I knew Reign was getting stronger and I was getting better.

After a long time I began to slightly feel the breeze from my open window, the heat from the sun my skin, and the cold bit hard sometimes at night.

Yet I couldn't move and my eyes were still shut and I was still in limbo.

Then I began to see the shadowy shape of a wolf. I was glad because the silence and loneliness had become painful.

The shape, became the full shadow of a wolf, then I began to talk to her, and gradually Reign emerged.

We had missed each other so much, but we still needed to heal together, and merge back as one.

It didn't happen and after sometime, Reign began to urge me to leave our special place.

"But we are safe here." I argued, Devon can't reach us here, our cruel pack can't find us ever. Why leave? "

I asked incredulously.

"We need to ,we have been given a new path Aly, we have healed enough, we need to move on." She said

I stared at her for a moment and smirked.

"Nope, not convinced." I said on a chuckle.

"That's quite selfish of you Aly, how about mum? Don't let her lose hope. Please we need to get back to mom and dad. They need to know we are fine. " She begged and reasoned with me.

My mothers tears were inexhaustible, she cried almost all the time, at some point, it was all she did.

Her sadness was enormous.

I sighed.

"You do have a good point Reign, but don't forget mom and dad can't help us, they can't save us from the pack and its wicked titled wolves."

"If we do this, we will be going straight back into that horror that was our life before this.

Don't forget, It's what brought us here in the first place."

"I would never forget, Aly. But we need to go, our healing won't be complete until we do, and that starts with you."

I sighed, we have had this conversation over and over and over again. She never tires of it, but keeps pushing and pushing.

One day I opened my eyes .

My parents were joyful, excited and happy beyond measure.

Mom said It's been seven months since the infamous rejection.

She said I had been, twitching my fingers and moving my hands for weeks now.

I had even clawed my thighs open.

My legs had no coordination, I couldn't feel them at first. But everyday mom said to practice trying to summon Reign, then try to shift.

It didn't work, I didn't shift but I kept getting stronger and better.

It's been five weeks since I woke up, and I have been nurtured back to good health.

I still haven't shifted, but now I can feel reign in my head, and five days ago she began to respond to me verbally in my head.

I hadn't stepped out my house yet, but I would get there soon.

I have been moving around the house, I am getting faster and faster, soon I would need to go outside.

The news of my survival has spread like wild fire across the pack.

I had become more like a myth in the pack.

Usually if an alpha rejects an untitled wolf, most wolfs would die, only a very small number survive.

But in the case of an untitled omega wolf rejecting an alpha, certain death is the result in maybe four days to a week. But reign and I survived, neither of us know how or why we did, but the pain we endured was excruciating and unbearable.

Even I am amazed that we survived.