Chapter 10:

"Very well Frank, you have spoken in all honesty." A man who I know to be to leader of the elders council said.

"Does anyone else have anything they wish to add?" He asked

" I do." the only woman in the council said indicating her intention to speak with a raise of her hand.

"Please speak Hanna."

"From all the complaints I have heard and all that I have seen so far, this situation has left me deeply concerned.

This is the highest level of treason I have seen in my lifetime and this pup should be punished accordingly." The woman said.

The hall was quiet for sometime as the leader waited for any other person who would like to add more horrors to my case. But no one spoke and the only sounds in the room were of my silent tears and agony as I watched them all condemn me for something I knew absolutely nothing about.

The pup will answer questions now, to help us understand how this all came about.

"Little Pup did you solicit dark magic?"

"No sir." I answered shakily

"Did you sought a witch out to help you in anyway? "

"No sir" I answered again.

"Then explain to me, how you survived rejecting the alpha?" He asked.

"I swear to you all, I don't know how, I fell into a coma and woke up this way."

"What were the color of your eyes previously?"

"They were blue, sir."

" Then Why did one eye change color from blue to grey now?"

"I don't know sir, I am telling the truth sir, I don't know how it happened." I pleaded.

"Very well bring her parents in."

Whaattt !!!, mom and dad? I screamed internally, as my head shot up instantly in panic.

At this point Reign was weakly banging herself against the wall in my head.

She was weak, very weak but she couldn't rest, I think the wolfsbane had the opposite effect on her. But I wasn't sure.

Of course the wolfsbane weakened her, but not enough to put her to sleep. I am sure If I wanted to shift right now I would still be able to, But not with my parents being brought in.

Mom and Dad were directed to stop in front of the council. At least they were not being put in the other dockets, injected with wolfsbane or tied with silver chains.

They looked at me with pride and love in their eyes before they turned back to the elders and began answering the same questions I had just answered.

"Did you sought a witch out to help you in anyway so that your child can survive?"

An elder asked.

"How many witches do you know?"

"Where are the dark witches hiding, give us their location."

"Give is the location of the dark witch that helped you."

"What do you mean you don't know what happened and how she survived?"

"Elders, We took our pup home after the rejection, she had passed out and was unconscious,when we arrived at our home."

My father said as he can to appeal and plead with the elders council.

"For the next three days my mate couldn't leave her side, her agonizingly painfully screams tore through us, it almost destroyed us to know she was in such acted pain.

We knew she was facing death and prayed it came quickly so her suffering would end."

"But as the days passed and the frequency of her screams lessened. We began to hope, so we prayed to the moon goddess every day for hours in hopes that She might survive. That was all we did, we offered prayers to the moon goddess."

"Please we have done nothing wrong, except pray to the moon goddess and have our prayers answered. We are obedient and loyal pack members."

A loud menacing growl, suddenly sounded from the back of the room.

I hadn't noticed the devil himself, alpha Devon, his beta and gamma had joined the council meeting.

Nessa was seated by his side her belly slightly swollen with a pup.

Everyone was quiet, there was pin drop silence in the room as the alpha made his way to the front.

His eyes were black, his wolf most prominent right now by the aura that was projecting from him in waves, his power was dominating and domineering.

"I will make this as quick as possible." he said, authority dripping from his every pore. If I didn't know the type of devil he was I would have been attracted by the sheer power he possessed.

" Elders what is your verdict?" He asked the leader of the council.

"Maximum punishment." came the reply with an affirmative nod of his head.

"Alpha i- I ha-have a co-con-confession to - to m-make?" My mother squeaked out in fear.

She knew what was about to happen, but what did she think she could say that would stop my impending doom? I thought to myself.

He turned to her and nodded for her to speak.

" I am the culprit, I was the one that found dark magic to help my pup survive. My mate knew nothing about it." I beg your forgiveness alpha and that of the elders and the pack. I also beg that you spare my pup and mate of the punishment for my crimes.

No, no noo !!! I screamed in my head.

I am an inexperienced omega and even I could smell the lie my mother was spewing.

She was sacrificing herself for her family.

It was noble, and I know she was doing it out of love, but I didn't want to loose my mom.

She doesn't know the alpha like I do, how sick and wicked he is.

He smiled coldly "Finally someone honest."

He boomed loudly in the room, with a knowing smile on his face.

" But an unforgivable crime has been committed."

"So for putting your selfish needs above that of the pack and putting the pack at risk, you , your mate and your pup are hereby banished and declared rouges."

"But for lying in the first place and a trespassing rouge in my pack, your mate would be tortured and killed while you watch.

Then you would suffer the same fate , and your pup will watch."

"Your pup cannot be left to live, as she is the living evidence of your betrayal of your pack. I hereby rule a death sentence on the Milan family."

My mother fell on her knees crying and wailing helplessly, dad who was also crying wrapped her in his arms gingerly.

I was too stunned to say anything.

I felt numb from the inside out.

My parents would be tortured and killed because of me. Oh my goddess, Why didn't I kill myself earlier, to save them from this pain.

If I had quietly died from the rejection none of this would have happened.

The wolfsbane in my system meant my parents couldn't mind link me.

Soon enough, I felt a painful piercing in my mind, Reign suddenly howled violently in pain as the pack link severed. I collapsed to the ground, the pain wasn't too intense but the pressure was.

I didn't know how many minutes passed before, I was dragged from there and thrown into a cell in the dungeons.

I couldn't talk from the acute shock.

I was a rogue now, my eyes would begin to turn red in three to five days, others could take up to a week. But I doubt we would be allowed to live that long.

I sat there in the smelly, dirty cell for hours on end. There was nothing else I could do.

I'd lost track of time, even my subconscious had disappeared. Reign had finally lost the fight with wolfsbane and was unconscious in my head.

I was almost dead to the world, my grief was acute, I had destroyed my family.

I wondered how I was still breathing, because the pain I was feeling, should have killed me.

But the moon goddess has shown me several times, that she was highly invested in ridiculing my existence.

So I doubt any pain would kill me, if I could survive a rejection.

If they brought me any food I couldn't tell because I sat down in the same spot for days, staring at nothing, hearing nothing.

Like I said ,dead to the world but still breathing.