Chapter 13:

Seb's Pov ...

Kraw was extremely restless after breakfast.

I had correspondences and paperwork to do, But I was so frustrated because his restlessness was chomping off at my concentration.

'kraw !!" I warned sternly in an attempt to scold some sense into him.

" You wanted breakfast?

We had breakfast.

Now you won't let me work in peace."

I accused hotly.

"Sorry Seb" , he apologized in a contrite tone.

"But I can't help this restless feeling.

I tried shutting it down, but it won't go away." He explained.

I made A - Kill- Me - Now !!, face at him in my head but he maintained his innocence.

" I'm being serious, Seb." he insisted

" Fine, you're being serious, what do you want me to do?

Rather what can we do about it?" I asked him.

He plopped down unceremoniously in my head, wagging his tail as he got deeper and deeper In thought.

" I think we need a break and a change of scenery." He said.

But I ignored him.

" Stop ignoring me, I know you heard me." He growled lowly at me.

" Kraw, I heard you , but a change of scenery is out of it. Find another solution." I told him.

"Why?" He asked simply.

" Because we can't control our powers and you eat people for fun."

" I promise not to do that, Seb I promise, please let's go, pleaseee."

He begged.

" We can join the inspection team and go to the dark claw pack."

"I don't really like going to that pack, they too full of themselves.

Werewolf stars and all. But it ok, let's pay them a visit."


"Yes boss." My beta answered a little too enthusiastically for my liking.

"Make the necessary arrangements, I will be joining the inspection team for their inspection of the facilities at the dark claw pack."

" Woahhh, nice we've got a trip coming up!!."

Arrangements, already made, be rest assured alpha."

"Alex , are you so desperate to leave your pack, or is there something I should know? "

I asked him.

"No, no, it's just, going away for some days will give the pack a chance to breath." He finished

"I see, they can change their pack if they are no longer comfortable here." I pointed out to Alex.

"Oh no, it's not that, they love you despite all that has been going on in the pack lately.

They're praying, you find your mate soon." He finished.

"Whatever, just make sure those goons are here, way before dawn tomorrow." I ordered Alex

By midnight kraw was so restless, we stopped patrols and hunted all night.

when we got back an hour before dawn every one was waiting.

Alex beamed at me with pride and excitement.

"Moon alpha" they nervously greeted.

I naturally made people nervous and skittish.

And my aura was particularly dark this morning from the lack of sleep, Alex interrupting kraws breakfast even though kraw knew, it was time to make an appearance.

My appearance was obviously scary to the well cultured wolves, who ran in the same circles as the so called stars or should i say, celebrity wolves.

I was naked, dirtied and bloodied, my fingers dripped with blood from the poor deer I'd just dismembered, with fresh blood splatter across my face and body.

It did cross my mind that this wouldn't be a great look for my future mates parents.

So i made a mental note to put a bit more consideration into, my future appearances.

I certainly wouldn't want an instant rejection from my currently non existent mate, not that any woman in her right mind would reject me.

Not with the insane amount of lobbying going to be my chosen mate and the crazy pressure the elders council are currently being put under control by the alpha, elder council and the unofficial group of the rich and famous. who in my opinion, have been led to believe they have some sort of clout.

I leisurely made my way to the bathroom, Kraw was in his element lapping up their fear and growling like a mad wolf just for the fun of it.

"you're wrong with your assumption there, i was growling because they interrupted my breakfast. "

He clarified.

"But we instructed them to come before dawn, and you had a meal about an hour earlier, so what's the sudden grumpiness about?" I asked him

"Their timing was wrong, they interrupted my meal." he argued.

"Yes, they might have interrupted your breakfast with the innocent message to let you know, they had arrived. But you still went on to ignore them and finish off the deer, before making an appearance. what else is there to complain about?"

I asked him pointedly before adding "Grumpy old wolf."

He snorted and flopped down dramatically in my head. Which made me chuckle.

Forty minutes later, I re-emerged all dressed up in a pair of dark blue jeans, a light blue dress shirt, with a blazer and a pair of crazy nice timberlands.

My hair was stylishly slicked back in a popular style. And I looked nothing like the barbarian that had arrived over thirty minutes ago.

My good looks coming in handy, as this time, I looked presentable and approachable.

Not that any wolf in his right mind would approach me right now.

I might look all diaper, sexy and sophisticated, but the aura I am emitting, is as black as the devil himself.

No wolf except Alex would be approaching me for any reason, whatsoever.

A convoy of five Benz GLC 300, was waiting to take us to the dark claw park.

Alex and I got in the back seat of one of the cars and the driver slowly peeled away onto the deserted road that leads to the high way and ultimately to the freeway leading to the pack, we intend to inspect.

Alex is usually great company, but today he was like a teenage girl on her first date with her first crush.

There was nothing great about that.

I wanted to talk business, he wanted to talk about girls, cars and my mateless state.

And that wasn't up for discussion, the problem though is since I was the easily irritated jerk. Alex didn't stop no matter how much I growled or tried shut him down.

Finally, I gave up and just listened, and the man can talk the dead back to life.

It's not like I didn't know this side of Alex, he just rarely shows it.

" Is everything okay,Alex?" I asked at some point.

He looked befuddled for a second, "why yes, why wouldn't everything be fine?" He inquired.

"Never mind, keep talking." I told him and tried to tune him out.

So dark claw is mostly popular because of their affinity for the most beautiful Luna's, I don't know how they get them but because of that myth most people prefer to choose mates, if it comes to that of course, from our pack or the dark claw park..."

The journey took almost three days, and that because the only stops I allowed was to refuel and eat.

We arrived at the dark Claw park In the evening of the third day.

" Welcome, Moon Alpha, Moon beta, Alpha's.

The Alpha of the pack said as he welcomed us to the pack.

I could sense their fear and nervousness, from a mile away. I know I am seen as the big bad moon Alpha, but I also know when something seems off.

"Maybe it's nothing, they're just being skittish, because my presence was sprung upon them." I told Kraw.

"No they're not being skittish, something just doesn't feel quite right." Kraw Insisted.

"We need to go on a run tonight." He added

"Absolutely, Not !!" I told him firmly.

" If we can't control our powers in our own pack, is it in another pack with people who don't know to avoid us, that we'll practice control?" I asked shouting him down.

He said nothing.

"Don't get coy with me Kraw, I need your committed answer on this." I insisted.

He huffed and said.

" If I give you a committed answer, then go ahead to mess up, I'll feel too bad, it's like lying to yourself.I can't. He stated.

The pack itself was a dream, it spoke of opulence and wealth.

I have heard them being taunted as members of the p7, that's the top seven wealthiest wolf packs.

By the evidence of what I can see, it is not. contestable. They are indeed a wealthy pack.

The Luna of the pack met us at the entrance to the pack house. It looked like a mini version of the Buckingham palace.

My pack wasn't any different with their open display of wealth and influence as the number one pack in the world.

The pregnant Luna of the pack is really pretty, but she looked vaguely familiar.

"She is from our pack that's why." Kraw explained.

"We brought gifts for the pup." Alex announced loudly and I smirked, he Is such a good beta.

" Oh my you shouldn't have, but thank you so much. Moon alpha, moon beta." She said batting her lashes at us.

We settled down for dinner, it was a hearty meal of roast pork, baked macaroni and cheese and garlic mashed cauliflower.

After thanking our gracious host for dinner, it was time to retire and rest in our designated rooms.

One would think me tired, but Kraw wouldn't let me rest. So I angrily got out of my room and headed to the forest for the usual nightly patrols.

There was no need for the self deception of going for a run.

I wondered when I would break down, too tired to not get adequate sleep.