Chapter 22:

Aly's Pov ...

Stacey ended up having a sleepover in my room.

We'd had dinner together in my room, she put in a movie called avatar. It was a nice movie, she slept off half way through it.

I watched till the end credit stopped rolling.

I could practically feel my strength coming back to me.

I don't know how long I stared at the ceiling after turning off the tv.

I couldn't sleep, it felt odd. I'd slept bucket loads in the clinic, I'm sure of it. Maybe I'm just tired of sleep.

I fell asleep sometime after midnight.

"Aly, Aly, Aly wake up or we'll be late for breakfast, come on wakey wakey."

I groaned as Stacey shook me awake, she wouldn't stop shaking me.

"Okay okay okay, I'm awake gooosshh." I groaned as I sat up in bed.

"Morning." She said brightly and jumped on bed.

I let out a small scream as I landed on the floor in fright.

What the heck did I think she was going to do? Attack me?

I chided myself inwardly.

Stacey's burst out laughing, oh my goddess Aly, you scare easily."

"But I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you at all.

"But seriously," she said and paused dramatically, rolling her eyes for extra effect.

"Mom's making all my favorite dishes this morning, and I don't want to miss out on any of it.

My brother is coming to join us for breakfast... And with him at the table you snooze you loose.

I don't want to loose my breakfast for any reason whatsoever."

She warned hurriedly.

"I brought you something to wear today." She called out after me as I entered the bathroom.

It was nice and cozy.

I did my business in the bathroom quickly, not wanting Stace to loose her breakfast on my account.

My dress was an above knee length blue denim jumper.

With a thick white rope to help cinch the waist in better.

As frail thin as I was, I realised my boobs didn't shrink much.

I liked the shorts jumpsuit, it was positively suited for a casual day.

"Morning mom, morning dad!!'

Stacey greeted loudly in an excited tone.

"Morning sweetheart." Her mom replied

"Hello pumpkin." Her dad greeted her.

" Good morning ... Mom, dad."

I greeted awkwardly in a low tone.

"Hey Aly, good morning." Her father greeted with a smile.

"Morning Aly, how was your night?"

Her mom asked.

"Good." I replied.

"Coffee?" She asked and I nodded yes. I followed the direction of her head to get a mug.

"Stacey, do you want coffee?" I asked her.

" Yes please, thanks. And uhm, With cream and sugar."she said.

I poured two cups of coffee, Stacey's with cream and sugar, mine with just cream.

Mom had her hands elbows deep in dough, while her dad was busy chopping some vegetables.

An elderly woman came in through the back door.

"Rosenoir !!." Stacy squealed at the woman's presence and rushed in for a hug. "It's been too long noir." She complained.

"How have you been?" She asked.

"Great." the woman said in a deep cheery voice.

" Been busy visiting with the grand pups." She said on a chuckle.

Breakfast was ready in less than 30 mins, there were tray loads of blueberry chocolate chip waffles, blueberry pancakes, muffins, croissants, tea, coffee, chocolate drinks, salads, lots of steak, bacon, eggs and oats.

As we sat down to eat, the kitchen door swung open and two huge handsome men walked in.

I instantly felt a strong wave of power wash over me.

My goddess they are titled wolves.

Fear instantly crept up my spine.

I might not know what my offence is, but I do know that titled wolves despised me a whole lot .

A low growl emanated from the more dominant male of the two.

He looked ruggedly handsome with intense green eyes.

I instantly recognised him as Stacey's big brother.

A shiver ran down my spine accompanied by hot flashy sparks, that raved through my body.

Goddess , goddess, holy moly, Stacey's brother was hottttt !!!

They were a lovely family.

And one could easily see the deep love they have for each other.

The other guy was a handsome blond male.

He smiled shyly at me and succeeded in shocking me the more.

" Hello I'm Alex." He said to me with an outstretched hand.

"Alyssa.. Milan." I responded awkwardly.

Stacey's brother growled again.

And this time there was an underlying angry ring to it.

I jumped slightly in my seat, my fear getting the best of me.

Stacey's mom, squeezed my shoulders in a comforting and encouraging way, as she made her way to greet her son.

He pulled her into a tight hug and said some words I couldn't catch.

She laughed and swiped playfully at the back of his head.

After the ruckus, everyone finally settled down for breakfast on the porch.

"Moon Alpha, it's so nice to see you, you look way better, than the last time I saw you." Rosenoir said innocently.

I instantly began to choke on my food.

Wwwwhhhaaaattt the f*ckkkk?

The freaking moon alpha?

The one titled wolf, I have been praying and hoping to avoid at all cost.

Sweat beaded on my forehead,as I waited for him to kick me off the table and out off his parents house.

"Hey calm down Aly, he won't hurt you." Stacey assured me as she wrapped her hands over mine.

While her mom slightly rubbed my back in encouragement.

"Calm down, it's just it's just us for breakfast no one's getting hurt okay? and no one's coming to get you." She said to me in a soothing low tone.

Breakfast resumed slowly after my drama. Thank goddess into into full on panick. I thought inwardly as focused a little too much on my food.

I didn't dare raise my head, except I was spoken to directly.

No really knowing who the moon alpha is, is disgraceful for any wolf but my pack never saw us as one. To them we didn't count, so they told us nothing and we knew nothing, apart from the gossip of the pack house.

The conversation slowly picked up and soon, there was laughter as they teased each other and shared jokes at the table.

Stacey's brother though kept watching me, I would have said he was stealing glances at me but that would suggest, he was being coy with his staring, when he wasn't.

He stared at me for long periods unabashedly, I wondered if he even got to eat much.

Sometimes, Stacey's dad would clear his throat loudly and I would feel the moon Alpha's gaze leave me, only to return a few minutes later. This made me feel really uncomfortable during breakfast.

I wished I had Reign with me.

I picked at my food slowly until, breakfast was done and I could escape back to the safety of my room.

"How are you feeling now?" The moon alpha asked as I got up to leave.

"Better." I replied lowly.

It was a miracle I wasn't visibly shaking like a leaf.

Stacey's brother is the last person I want to have a chat with.

But somehow it felt right to talk to him.

His voice washed over me and I stiffened as I bit back a stupid moan.

Almost everything made sense to me now, their wealth and their good attitude.

I felt a slight attraction to him, who wouldn't he was a handsome specimen and he is the moon alpha.

His title made him even more attractive.

I gritted my teeth to stop any sound from escaping when he moved closer to me.

"Ma when is Alba coming to take a look at her?" He boomed out to his mother.

"Around noon." Came his mother's response.

"stop intimidating the young lady with your boorish stares." Alex the moon beta said, chuckling.

"Come on, I'll walk you up to your room, you should rest a little before the doctor arrives."

He said a little too seriously, infact almost disdainfully.

But I wondered why the moon alpha would even bother to look at me.

Not to think of walking me up to my room.

I looked to Stace, or dad or mom.

No one was paying us any attention, I was freaking on my own.

" No thank you, there is no need, moon Alpha. I said.

" it wasn't a request, Aly." He stated plainly.

" Lead the way." he added.

I froze, I ould t argue any more there was. no need. I wouldn't win an argument with him anyways.

The walk was nerve wrackingly quiet.

I couldn't get inside my room fast enough once we stop at the door.

"Thank you " I said and rushed inside.

The need to lock the door was almost overwhelming. But I didn't.

It wouldn't go down well with someone like him.

When he suggested that I should get some rest, I didn't think I needed any.

But as soon as my head hit the pillow it was lights out.

Stacey shook me awake again.

" Doctor Alba is here to check up on you."

She told me.