Chapter 51 - The familiar blue orbs

"Raven plan one is the kidnap the alpha king and to threaten them to let go our friends. Plan two if our friends are hurt or... dear..... I kill the alpha king and... All hell breaks loose."

Raven silently gulped. "I don't like the sound of plan two but I'm in."

"Good. be prepared. You're ready right."

"Yep, I'm ready,"

The plan was in place and now they had to wait for the perfect time. When the night was dark Nico and Raven moved around silently in the forest. The huge tres worked as great hiding spots.

Nico once again checked his arms and armpits for any scent. He still had a subtle scent of flower still lingering on his body along with the overwhelming scent of the ocean.

"Smell check," he pulled Raven close and sniffed him. He smelled like trees and crushed leaves.

They swiftly climbed atop a huge tree, waiting for their prey to walk close.

The execution of the plan was very simple. They capture a guard wolf and get all the info about their rotation schedule from him. Next, they had to go separate ways. Raven was in charge of rescuing the others while Nico was in charge of distraction aka kidnapping alpha king.

They both waited for a while.

A single grey wolf walked around sniffing the ground. It was about three foot tall fluffy and its coat was very shiny. It was one of the warrior wolves of the pack.

Nicolai glanced at Raven and nodded. "stay here," he mouthed

He immediately jumped down and tackled it. The wolf was heavy and powerful but it could not escape his clutch. With his legs, he caught the wolf's head in a chokehold.

Bending down, he peered into its brown eyes.

"Look at me," His shimmering green eyes were reflected in the wolf's fearful eyes. "shift,"

The wolf stared at him for a bit blankly and changed into the form of a human. It was a middle-aged man with graying hair.

"How many wolves are on rounds…. What time will the shift change?"

He blankly looked at him and whispered, "twenty wolves… they change shifts in ten minutes from now…"

"Which direction has the least number of wolves guarding it. …"

"East… only Harriet is in charge of that area..she is always chit-chatting and always leaves her post to have her tea breaks…." he mumbled, blinking at him.

Nico glanced up at Raven. "What time will her shift start?"

"She is already ten minutes into her shift… she is stationed near teth east of our borders."

Nicolai nodded. "Where are the vampires kept?"

"They are in the guest room on the first floor." The man's eyes flickered for a moment.

Nicolai grabbed him tightly. His hypnosis was growing weak. He needed to ask whatever he wanted to know right away. "Great now tell me where your alpha king's room is? Which floor? Is there an open window…"

"Alpha king lives in the second-floor east-facing room. he loved to open his window to let in a breeze…"

Nicolai smirked. "You did well, mister grey wolf. Now change back into your wolf form and forget that we even had this conversation," he immediately let go and climbed back up the tree.

The naked human stammered for a bit and shifted into a huge three-foot grey wolf. The wolf just confusedly looked around and continued on with his rounds.

"I will infiltrate this place through the east direction and create a loud distraction. When everyone is distracted you go on ahead and save our guys,"

Raven slightly frowned. "There are seven of us. We won't be able to move out stealthily,"

"That's where I come in," Nicolai smirked. "I'm going to make a racket and threaten our dear alpha king on gunpoint,"

"But… that's a taser,"

"No one will know. I mean you didn't. how can they know?" Nico chuckled evilly. "let's go kick some alpha ass,"

Nicolai went separate ways and slowly he climbed branch to branch to access to the east area of the pack.

A young blond-haired girl was sitting there humming softly. she held a cup of green tea and was also talking to herself loudly.

'Looks like an innocent lamb…' he stepped forward a bit and the small branch under his foot snapped.

She distractedly glanced around.

Nico jumped down.

The girl instantly tossed the hot tea at him.

Nico grabbed her hand and pulled her close peering into her black eyes intensely. "Harriet I have a job for you."

"Who…." He watched as her black eyes went dull. "What do you need?" she robotically whispered.

"I want you to run west and shout as loudly as you can. 'I love tea…'. Go!"

The girl ran in that direction.

"I love tea!!!" a loud shout was heard.

Nicolai watched as the rest of the wolves run in that direction to check on the commotion.

He sneaked closer to the house. It was the old pack house and it still looked the same.

The tree house still existed but it looked renewed. The branch rue and he used to climb into the house still existed. But it was much thicker sturdier.

This really brought back a lot of memories of that fateful day...

He silently glanced into the house. It was the same room but it had been redecorated into a study. A person stood there with his back facing him. in the darkroom only a small candle was lit and his curly blond hair was seen.

'Alpha king. ... I've got you… you fucking asshole I'm going to take you down today…" he prepared a small towel soaked in chloroform and also was ready with his taser gun.

The alpha king was busy sorting through files.

His biceps contracted visibly.

Werewolves in general were all muscular. Because they train in their wolf form as well as in their human form, their bodies were always on the bulky side.

Nicolai slowly stepped close.

'Ignorant guy. This is the most powerful werewolf. Even rue can catch me when I'm stalking her. Shit, this guy is total shit,' he thought as he placed the taser gun on the back of his blond head.

His shaggy hair gently tussled with the forced he pushed it in.

"Don't move a muscle. I will pull this trigger,"

The guy raised his hand up.

Alpha king was about six feet tall and with his hands up he looked even more intimidating. His towering figure was pretty hard to reach for Nico who was only five foot eight.

"You dumb fucker, I finally found you," he reached around to place the chloroform on his mouth when all of a sudden his wrist was grabbed in a tight grip.

Eyes wide Nico watched as the whole world twirled around. suddenly He was in a warm pair of arms with his ass settled on top of the study table.

"I still got a gun to your head," Nico calmly glanced at the shadowy figure. The hand with the chloroform was still in his grasp.

"Finally… finally you decide to run back to me…" he mumbled in a soft soothing voice.

Nicolai froze. His whole body trembled violently. It was not due to fear,.. it was due to pleasure.

'What the fuck…' he glared up at him. "I will shoot your brains out alpha king… you deserve that for taking my friend hostages,"

"Ha-ha…" he laughed so beautifully. "I set up a trap for you and rushed into it willingly,"

With his free hand, he brought the candle closer.

Nico met his piercing blue eyes.

Those blue orbs were familiar to his soul.

They looked so similar to his beloved.

'No not similar… it.. it's him.. It's Dylan..'

That one look felt like an eternity.

He felt all that loneliness in his body wash away.

He felt like he could finally breathe.

His heart was beating so loudly, like a choir girl with a crush.

Nicolai peered up at his handsome face. his sharp nose gently nudged his own sniffing his scent.

He involuntarily closed his eyes.

A weird sense of anticipation filled up his body.

'w-what… this is not Dylan.. he can't be alive… I…'

He had that intoxicating scent of cedar wood lingering around him.

"Nico," he whispered moving close.

"My Nicolai. I finally have you in my arms,"