Chapter 67 - Immature

An hour passed and Nico had enough of this annoying guy's attitude. While they were working Dylan was standing by the door completely ignoring him. "Killian would you go and fetch some water of me?"

"um yeah.. sure..." he gave them both a look. "sort it out quickly," he whispered to Dylan and rushed out closing the door.

Dylan stood by the doorway glancing at the ground.

"Are you going to continue acting like that?"

Dylan glanced up with a dull gaze.

"You're infuriating to look at." Nico said, signing a document.

"Then why are you looking at me? You hate me and you would prefer to look at Killian's face than mine. Well and good, do just that."

Nicolai glanced at him with a frown. "Why are you shouting all of a sudden? did I perhaps hurt your feeling mister alpha king,"

"Why the hell do you not care about my feelings? You're.. you're like a vengeful kid taking every chance to hurt me with your looks and words."

Nico shot up. "You are the one who is acting like a hormonal teenager! You are thousand years old! Where is your maturity! Shouting and whining over useless things"

"You are also a thousand yet you act like a kid!"

"I'm not a kid! I've never once acted immaturely. You on the other hand have been constantly acting like a fucking brat! If you are going to sulk go do that in your room. I don't wish to see that pathetic act."

"I'm not a brat!" Dylan said panting. "if... if my presence annoys you so much, please let me know I'll leave. You don't have to hurt my feelings so outright,"

"Hurt your feelings?!" Nico just panted. "You hurt my feelings first!!"

Dylan shook his head. "I didn't do anything to hurt your feelings. I have been anything but welcoming and loving since the moment you have been here. You are the one who treats me like a fucking bug,"

Nico laughed. "you are the one who treats me like shit....."

"When huh? Give me one good example. Because as far as I remember I have never treated you like trash,"

"Yes, you did! At lunch you were right there when that guy was talking down to me and what did you do! Nothing! You still did nothing when a man was talking down to your mate! My feelings are hurt Dylan! I gave you a chance….. I came here to this foreign land for you.... I left my home and agreed to live with my enemies tolerating hateful and scornful gazes and yet you didn't support me! y-you don't have the right to be angry... you don't," he walked past him out the door.

Dylan suddenly grabbed his hand. "I didn't act because the elders were testing you and I wanted to see how you would deal with it. You did splendidly. The way you handled that gained respect from many of the older wolves."

"That's not what I am talking about….I.. I just wanted you to talk up for me.."

Dylan frowned "You want to be the leader yet you want me to coddle you,

"I don't want you to coddle me! I want you to support me! That's the least I can ask for. Now let go of my hand.. I don't want to talk to you nor look at your face. Oh if my words are hurtful, it was meant to be." He pulled away and left him standing there.

Dylan bit his lips silently raging. Wolfie inside was screaming to take control. he wanted to beg his mate for forgiveness. He wanted to grovel.

"Shut up Wolfie..... just shut up." he banged the door shut and left for his room.

Killian was waiting inside. "so? What happened?"

"Nothing happened. Just leave me be."

"What the heck? I gave you a perfect opportunity for you guys to make up and fall in love. Nico was ready to accept your feelings...."

Dylan looked up at him, rolling his eyes. "no he was not."

"Yes he was....oh my god what did you do again..."

"Why is it always my fault? I didn't do anything. He wanted me off his face I did that and now he is angry. I don't understand him! I don't get him one bit!"

Killian sighed. "You are an absolute idiot,"