Chapter 69 - Apples or oranges

After that tearful afternoon, Nicolai was left even more confused. His soul ached for Dylan, but his mind was set on throwing him away and taking control of the pack.

He was confused about the choices he had to make.

When he was young his father always made him choose between his favorite fruits. Apple or oranges. Because whenever he ate them at the same time he ended up sick.

Apples are crisp, tasty and sweet, just like his new vampire family. They were the sweetest bunch and he would do anything for them.

But oranges.... they are tangy and have a very addictive taste to them, just like Dylan. He was the beloved he had waited a long time. Just one look was enough to make him get addicted to his ocean blue eyes.

Nicolai glanced at the fruit bowl with even more intensity. oranges looked so tempting but apples were healthy for his gut.

Now he had to make a choice. Apples or oranges.

"Nico...." Darius stood by the door. "they are getting ready for the full moon festival. You.. and you're not ready yet..."

"Darius what fruit do you like more? Apples or oranges?"

The young blond vampires seem even more confused by this question. "I like coconuts... they grow everywhere, they are tasty and they have fresh water inside. It's refreshing. It's the only thing can actually drink except blood even though I end up puking it out too. it's an enjoyable thing,"

Nicolai glanced at him with a dull stare. "Apples or oranges."

"I have not tried either of them. But I guess apples." He nodded towards them.

"Oranges are addictive though. Thousand years ago no one could exist without their morning OJ's."

Darius frowned slightly. "Did not understand that at all. But if you are asking me, I choose apples.. It's very simple. Oranges are very bright, flashy and... bright and flashy does not mean anything good. Once one of us tried a huge bright red mushroom and ended up with food poisoning."

"Apples are red." Nicolai picked up one. "They Are red and flashy...."

"Yes.. but they have yellow tones mixed in. they looked friendlier than oranges. Now can you get ready? Everyone is really waiting for you. The others won't even go out of their room without you and Matt is just being an ass."

Nicolai sighed and glanced at the clothes that were laid out on the bed. "fine. I'll get ready in ten minutes."

He swiftly threw on the white silk shirt and loose black pants that had been set out for him. it did not fit him well. The shoulders were very loose and was dropping off the side but thankfully there was a drawstring by the collar. He tied it up tightly.

"Apples or oranges. I need to choose. I can't have them both.... this sucks..." he swiftly combed through his hair and rushed out.

Darius was standing right by the door waiting for him.

Now that he noticed him, he saw that the young teenager was wearing the same outfit as him, but his shirt was made up of soft linen.

"You look good."

"Thanks," Darius grabbed his hand and dragged him away.

Nicolai opened the door slightly and poked his head in.

The other vampires were all waiting anxiously in the room. Everyone was tense except the younger twins. Both Elijah and Kiran had cheerful smiles as they played with a colorful ball.

"Guys ready to leave?"


"No....." Matt pranced around. "Why do we have to participate in their stupid tradition? We worship the sun god not the moon goddess. We don't need to attend this party."

"Matt we are here to establish our position. If we don't leave our room, we won't be able to achieve anything. just take a deep breath and walk out."

Matt did so but he started to hyperventilate slightly. "'I don't like wolves...."

Nicolai gently held both his shoulders steadying him. "why is it so?"

"Wolves killed my parents... they ruined everything..."

Nico gently hugged him. "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry; you just have to kill them all. I don't want to see any other wolf.. I don't.. I don't want to."

"Matt, calm down, please. Take a deep breath."

'Shit Matt is not in the state to socialize.. he has to stay here. But he will panic if he is left alone... who should I leave him with.' Nico glanced at Raven. He was the only other person who was level-headed and was not a literal kid. "Raven can you stay with him?"

"Sure." Raven helped Matt to the bed. "You guys go ahead. I will take good care of him. and Nico."

"Yes?" Nicolai glanced back.

"Go kick some wolf ass. We, vampires, have to win the hunt."

Nicolai chuckled. "Definitely. I am not going to kick some wolf's ass I'm going to kill the alpha king's ass," he took the gun from Hunter. "Let's go and show them what we've got."

Hunter excitedly hopped behind him. "So we get to take part in the hunt too?"

Nico shook his head. "No you guys are still young. After eighteen you can take part in any hunt you want,"

"But I'm fifteen.... I'm fifteen..." Hunter glanced at him insistently. "I have hunted elks and crocodiles on my own and I have fed my family for a long time. why can't I take part..."

Nico paused. He contemplated allowing him for a second, but thinking about all those wolves running around he did not want to let this young vampire child alone in the woods. "no, not this time. I'll allow you after two full moons."

"Why not?"

"Please Hunter. Understand my decision. I have your safety in my mind when I'm making any decision. We just got here a day or two ago and I don't wish for you to run alone in the woods with the wolves running around. It's not safe."

Dylan suddenly stood in front of them. "It is safe. My pack won't hurt your vampires. Why do you not trust me Nico?"

"I trust you but I don't trust anyone else. This pack might be tolerating us. But I'm sure the other packs who heard about us will take any chance to annihilate us. I am just being precautionary Dylan."

Hunter pouted and gave him a pitiful puppy dog look. Even Issac and Darius were looking at him pitifully. The younger twins Elijah and Kiran tugged at Dylan's shirt.

Dylan sighed. "if.... if I can arrange three wolves to protect your vampire children. Will you allow them to hunt?"

"No they are too young to witness violence like that,"

"Nico, they are vampires. They are used to bloodshed.. just let them try it once. Trust my pack. No, Trust YOUR pack because if you want to lead them all you have to put your trust in them."

Nicolai sighed. "Fine... just this once..."

"Great~" Dylan went back to being a happy puppy mumbling about random things.

Nicolai glanced up at his shimmering blue eyes. 'orange is such a tasty fruit. God this is so difficult.'