Cat Dad is a Pirate

Chapter 87 – Cat Dad is a Pirate



Comet pushed the cart on the stone road, heading toward the gate of the mansion. But as he was in a hurry, a few containers fell off the cart. Small canteens, bottles, and buckets slipped off the top of other containers and rolled on the ground.

Comet ignored the fallen containers and kept running. He didn't even look back or try to pick them up.

Among the fallen containers, a fur ball creature reverted his color back to normal. Xiaomao rolled on the ground because of the momentum, but he managed to get back on his tentacle feet.

'Watch the cargo, you dumb NPC!'

Xiaomao patted his tentacles. He subconsciously licked them and groom his fur and his face, wiping the dust and dirt.

While he was taking a saliva bath, his nose caught a whiff of an attractive scent. It smelled like fragrant perfume, but it stimulated his appetite.