Cat Dad’s First Sea PVP (4)

Chapter 117 – Cat Dad's First Sea PVP (4)

As the frigate kept sailing forward, it left the beacon of light, which didn't follow after Xiaomao's location. Moreover, the bright light slowly dimmed as the sign was not permanent.

Without the light, the black frigate slowly faded into the darkness. On the other hand, the pursuing ships ended up sailing into the light and became clear targets.

Fishing boats, motorboats, and rowboats were the only ones in the dimming beacon. The players' vessels chased after the ship without maintaining their formation. As a result, the carefully planned Row Formation changed into the Wedge Formation, going after the stern of Wellerboy.

Meanwhile, the cog ships of Yarr Guild, which had broken the previous formation a long time ago, were forming a column formation, sailing along the Wellerboy's right stern. Saxon and his friends empowered the sails and mana engines of their small ships, picking up the speed.