Cat Dad in Pangu Church’s Headquarters Dungeon (4)

Chapter 129 – Cat Dad in Pangu Church's Headquarters Dungeon (4)

Marcus glanced at his status menu and his inventory menu, examining his EXP progress and items. All premium inventory slots were full of equipment, items, and gear. As for his character's inventory, he still had 20 slots available.

While standing back and waiting for the elite monster to get tired, Marcus opened a friend menu and sent a private text to his close friends.

Next to the magic swordsman, another swordsman in a samurai kimono calmly rested his right hand on the 39-inch O-Katana, hanging on his waist. Same as Marcus, the samurai had a special character, given by the game company.

Master Yeet was his name. He was one of many beta testers alongside Marcus, and he participated in a memorable event against top NPCs. In the real world, Master Yeet was also a master fencer and a weapon smith, who could make real cold weapons with modern tools.