Cat Dad Sorted His Inventory

Chapter 150 – Cat Dad Sorted His Inventory

'Right! There might be potential allies!'

Xiaomao regained hope. He thought of Mimir and Taotie, who seemed to be unusually friendly even though they were supposed to be Pangu's servants. Now that Xiaomao's karma was invisible, he believed that Pangu and Nian might not be able to find him.

Still, there was a flaw in this plan. Had Xiaomao been in Pangu or Nian's shoes, couldn't they simply trace back Taotie and Mimir to find the cause?

Xiaomao scratched his head. He doubted Mu-Nyang's suggestion, and he disliked the idea – It was too risky.

Since it was a waste of time to overthink and the cats were no longer with him, Xiaomao changed his plan.

"Let's go to Labor Guild. We'll sort our inventory first."


Labor Guild