Cat Dad is Immortal

Chapter 167 – Cat Dad is Immortal

As soon as Mimir came out, the two strongest generals stopped messing around. Their expressions grimaced as they knew how serious the emperor was.

Yuan Hua was also taken aback when she saw Mimir.

Both Mimir and Yuan Hua were colleagues as they served Pangu together. In addition, their strength was similar – Yuan Hua's level was 6,666 while Mimir's was 6,500.

However, Xiaomao was afraid of one thing. As Mimir was an archbishop, his main strength was supporting spells and holy magic. On the other hand, Yuan Hua was a combat-oriented witch, who could use curses, black magic, and various offensive spells.

Mimir was at a disadvantage here.

Despite being an underdog, Mimir's smiling expression and his demeanor were brimming with confidence. He strolled into the throne room and winked at Xiaomao.

"How did you come here, munya?! You said that you might get attacked here, but you show up here."