Cat Dad Escapes Siren City

Chapter 169 – Cat Dad Escapes Siren City 

Xiaomao paused to think. He still remembered the descriptions of Instinct-Senpai's abilities. There was one part that was related to his eyebrow.


- Your right eyebrow always twitches whenever a crisis approaches. The rhythm and the severity of twitching reflect the level of incoming danger.


Although Xiaomao didn't understand how the skill managed to predict or sense the danger, he had faith in it. Xiaomao closed his mouth and opened the text messenger menu.

In this game, players could do more than just type texts or chat with friends. The messenger offered a feature for intermediate players, whose levels surpassed a certain threshold – High-leveled players could send texts or communicate by using their thoughts instead of manually typing on the virtual keyboard.

Xiaomao opened the menu in his mind and sent talked to Mimir via messenger.