Cat Dad Aggros Everybody

Chapter 172 – Cat Dad Aggros Everybody

At the bottom of the ocean, two massive golden eyes and expanded black pupils stared straight at Nian. From a rough estimation, each eye was at least several kilometers wide.

Each eye was bigger than the mouth of the Calamity Anglerfish!

Xiaomao had prayed for a miracle, but this new helper's existence was beyond his expectation. He didn't know what possessed him. Xiaomao couldn't help but meowed like a kitten as if he was asking for help. His eyes were moist, and he shed tears.


Inwardly, Xiaomao thought, 'I might win an Oscar with this.'

Unbeknownst to Xiaomao, Mimir and Taotie could read his mind. They broke a sweat, wondering if the cat was insane. Even though they didn't know Meowmeow, they could sense the terrifying strength of the cat god, and they didn't want Xiaomao to play a trick on his helper.

It was too late. Meowmeow saw the tear of a fellow cat.