Cat Dad Takes Undine’s Class

Chapter 182 – Cat Dad Takes Undine's Class

Xiaomao cooked a fish steak and gave them to Nyanko and Mama Cat. The two rushed to the plates and ate them as if they hadn't eaten anything for days.

The sight of hungry cats looked pitiful. He looked at the crew, wondering if someone could temporarily work here as a babysitter for his cats.

Lucky wagged her tail. She crouched and watched the cats. As for the men, they fiddled with their inventory menu, sorting their items without caring about the cats.

Since the boys were not interested in cats, Xiaomao had no choice. He looked at Lucky.

"Lucky, this might sound bad, but could you take care of my cats here, munya?"

Lucky's dog ears perked. She smiled, "So, I get to stay here and play with them?"

"If you want to, you can play with them. But be sure to feed them every six hours, munya. I'll leave some cooked fish steaks with you to feed the cats."

"Can I eat some of them?"