Cat Dad Abusing Glitches

Chapter 202 – Cat Dad Abusing Glitches

Xiaomao finished customizing the support character. However, he didn't press the confirm button and finalize his creation. Instead, he pressed the [Save] button and left the character creation menu.

Xiaomao's consciousness returned to the catopus. He blinked several times and looked at Wei Zhi.

"It's done, munya."

"I-I don't have a choice, okay? You have to take responsibility!" Wei Zhi blushed.

Xiaomao rolled his eyes. This line was so cringe that he almost cussed Wei Zhi out loud.

The next procedure required Xiaomao's game character to connect with Wei Zhi's real body. Although the word "Connect" might hint that way, they didn't need to commit adultery act.

Per Mir's instructions, Xiaomao could use anything, such as fur or whiskers, as long as something from Xiaomao became one with Wei Zhi's body. Tentacles and THAT weren't necessary.

Xiaomao snorted and ordered her.