Cat Dad's First Guild War (3)

Chapter 209 – Cat Dad's First Guild War (3)



NPC#0111 was abducted here, and he is worried about his family. He only remembers that he is from Midgard, but he doesn't remember anything else. He wants to go home.

Even though NPC#0111 is worrying about his family, he hasn't eaten anything for days. If you can share something that he can eat, he will give you something nice.

Quest Objective: Give something for NPC#0111 to eat.

Failure Condition: NPC#0111 is dead.

Reward: 200 SP

Failure Penalty: None

*[Cathulhu Instinct]: Normal food isn't going to cut it. Only the food that comes from this event world can fill his stomach.

*[Foresight]: Use the food that you purchased from the lobby's vendors. A kilogram worth of food is enough.
