Cat Dad Follows Mao Miaomiao's Footsteps

Chapter 254 – Cat Dad Follows Mao Miaomiao's Footsteps

Mir resumed the lecture.

"A cathulhu elite like me is capable of manipulating, spying, and tampering with someone else's pocket dantian, mew. Lord Mu-Nyang can do it. Meowmeow can do it. That's how I managed to show you how a pocket dantian can be used, mew."

Mir brought out a large whiteboard and nailed it on the wall. Jungwoo secretly shed another tear, witnessing how his room got another hole.

"Normally, every cultivator is born with a pocket dantian, but none of them knows how to use it. Kishin Douji and Devil managed to figure it out by chance and learned the power of Space and Time. Hongjun and the sages assassinated many Cathulhus and learned it from their corpses. Even Solomon can use it since he was once Mu-Nyang's disciple… *AHEM*"

Xiaomao raised his eyebrows when Mir mentioned that Mu-Nyang used to be Solomon's mentor. He took note and planned to question her after the lecture.