Cat Dad’s New Toy, PUTA!

Chapter 261 – Cat Dad's New Toy, PUTA!

Commanding Qi strands to move outside one's body was an easy task. Xiaomao had done it before, so he was familiar with this technique.

However, what came next troubled them.

"Next, Shrink your Qi strands and command them to become one with your skin, mew!"

"Eh? Shrink? Not destroy and turn them into mist?"

Jungwoo and Xiaomao were confused. They saw how the dummies and shadows exploded their Qi strands into a fog.

"Fool! Don't just destroy it like how you explode things. Shrink and compress them to the point that you can't shrink them anymore. I want to see you compress one thousand Qi strands into a tiny droplet."


Xiaomao and Jungwoo did so as they were told.

30 minutes later, they sweated bullets. After they had compressed 200 Qi strands together, they barely managed to control the ball of Qi in front of them.